Page 39 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 39

30                  POS'l'  Ol"l~!CE  IIANDUOOK.

                           GENETIAL  REGULJ\TIQl':::;.
                        Cu.•Lomt  Dcrlaration and Dctpotch-lt!l~ .
        . l'arccl.!  art :u/ljccl to  C11$lo1m  rr.gulatimts.  The  sender  of  t>ach  parcel  is  required  to-
        mnkc, fur Custollls purposes- upon n ~pcrinl form or furms,  wltieh eau be oh.t:1iucd nL nny
       1oaL  Oflicc-nn  nccumtc  stnt.ctucnt  or  the  nnWre  aud  ,·n.luc  of  the  cnnt.culs nnd other
        pnrtir.ulnrs.  The sender's nnllle and full ailJress must also be tilled in.  The forms should
        uo filled  in  in  ink.  Two forms or  CustoUJ~ declaration are in use:-(1) A yellow form, in-
        tcndcll  to be nffixcd  to the covers or  parcels for British  Colonies and  Posscs.•ions nnd  for
        a !oil' foroil(n  c•Jnntries; nnd (2) n white form, which is used for parcels for all other f(\reign
        counltic~.  Scvcml  idcnticnl copies of  t.he  latter form  must in  many c/l.Scs  be  rnnde  out
        (1ee  Tnble un p:Lgcs  :~!)  to  •1  ).  11'/tcn a. white  form  is  used the sc11dcr  mu.•t al.•o  fill  1tp  a
       dr.-patch-uutc.  Vntl~,·ualuatinn of the COIIUoiiLs  M  joilnrc to dr!scribr them  fully may rr..sttlt  in
       •rizurc of the P"·, :md in  the c.1sc of pnrccls :~ddrc.c;sed lo the tiniled Sl< of  Antericn
       in U1e i111pu~ition of hcn,·y fiucs,  which will not be remitted even if the pnrccls nre returned
        to the I;I'IH.It!rs.  The net wei;;ht or qu:~ntity of  the di!Tercnt kinds of nrti<:les cont.:lincd  in
       a pnret·l shuulcl be l'Cp:l.rntcl~· SL'Itcd.  Any other particulars ~houh.l be l!'ivcn which  would
       {1\  th<•  O!<.<t•••m!'nl  of  r.n~l(tlll~ nut.\' 0  ~lll'\1 1\.,  t.he llt:tlr.rialuf whic:h  dotltin~ iR com-
       Jl'IIK'tl1 lllwlwlll'IJu:r iL is ltt!\1' ur unL.  lu llw o:nMt' uf nrLit•lo·:< ro:lnrtwd  In  1.(,.. t•nnntry  wln:ro
       tlmy  uri;;iu:llcd,  the  fact should  be  ~I:Lictl.  Fur  furlltcr  pnrtieuht r~ :~~  to  dccl11r:ttiuns,
       •cc nutc ns:•iust Utc n:uucs or the  vnrious  countries in  the T:Lblc  of  H.ntcs  pp. :HJ  tCJ  4:;
       (c·•l.  IU).
         The pn~ta~c on  pnrc~ls lllll~l be tl'lw/ly prepaid  by l'nsta:;c St~unp~.
         'l'lw  l'ust  IJflicc  DcparLmcnt  will  unt  be  rcspousil>h:  fc,r  t.he  lo~s or  dnmil~e of  any
       uuin< ttr'f•tl  parr:el.   .
         Ench  pnn:cl 1nust be  plainly  tlirt<cl.t•d, such  direct.ions  ~ettin:.: ior~h the  nnmc  nnd  full
       At!cln·Rs uf  the pr.r~nu for whum  the  pa:·<,cl  is  int.cndetl.  A  )>w·cr.l  must notl•r.  11n.•trd  in a
       J,c/lr.r  JJ,:r,  but must lw  taken  into  a I'o.~t Office  011d  prc.scutcd at the  cou11lcr  to  the  /'ost-
       ma.•tr.r  fir  pnr.~on i 11  chargr..
        A  Ct:rtilic:nlc  of  posti~:::;  n·ill  be  t;i\•Cn  to  th~ (l~r~oo  n  parcel  out  no  lia-
       bility ntL'Ichcs to the- Post O!licE' in  respect thereof.
        CnsLollls  duties  will  be  collected  bcfor<'  ddi,·cry.
        A  luny  •wt  conl..!lin  rhngr.rous  :t~ticlc~;,  pP.rishnl>lc  nrtHf's.  nrticlt•s likely  to
       injnn• uLhr.r  parr.ds.  or  t!tt•  u!li•·~rs  nf thr  l'u•t Offic··.  liqui•ls  uulf'l'!'  l'('Cnrr·l.v  packed
       in  prupt·r cas~s  nml  surroundctl with  alol'urhr·"~ matf!ri:tl, nr  :my  r·u!ltraltnntln.rticlt:l'  or
       euh~tnnct·s   A parcel must not  contnin  nnothcr parcel  or other postnl  packet intended
       fur  tldivery  to  n  rersnt•  other than  the addressee of  t.h~ first-namr.d  parcel.
        If on  r:x:tlni~tat.ion of  ~nv p:m•d l'hall he fou11tl  in  nr  with  the ~amr. "'"'f,.ff,•r  or
       cm""""'i•:<~liou nf thr.  !oolt:r~· ,;J  n  l··llcrsuch  papt·r  or  communicstion  will  be  wit.lulrn.\\'U
       thcrdrcnn, nnd  will  be forwnnlml tn  t.hc  udtlrrssee  ther.,of;  or,  if it be  n  t  nddrc~s<!d, to
       lh•:  nol•lr··~scr of  pnrc::l in  nr  with  whir.h  same was f (ouud  cnel(lsc•l.  and  the ~nid
       ~~~l••r will I,.. sumloar::<•d  ftor o] .. Jivnry nt  lhc unpaid rnt.e.  nf pu~t:I!!C .
        An  umlt·lil'cr<·d  parco:!  mny  be  rc-dirccll:d  to  the sr.ndcr  iu  Lhl!  country  of  ol'i::in  on
       pnyrnc:nt ul n rnl.c r.qunl  t.o  l.h.'lt  ori~dnnll~· paid on it . such nc!Jition:tl  po~t.nv.c mny  either
       Le  paiol  in  the cuu11Lry  from  which  the p:lTct:l  is rcturuetl, or uccullectctl frum  the scHtlcr
       on  th•lil·cry.
        Pnrcds  r~-tlir<!Ct~d or returned from  C>nc  cotuttr~· to nnothcr  will be  chnrgctl  n  fresh
       po~lnl:~ nt the mtc rnynblc to the couutry o( defitin:ltion.
        H  11  p:m:r•l  CILILIH>t  be  cldin,r~·cl as  :llldres~d. or  is  rcfn.•ed,  the  ~ender, \\'ill  lor.  cum-
       municutJ:cl  wit.h  by  the  Post  Ollicc  as  to  the  mnnucr  in  which  the  pnrcd  shall  be
       di~JlllRt!d of.
         l'urct·IA  to nu•l  fr••m  tl:c n.~. :\., hm·:evcr,  ... ·hic,h cannot be ddiv~r,.,d to  the  p~rsons to
       whcntl  l)ll'y  nrc  adtlrcsscd,  will  uc  returned  for  disposal  as  uutlclivcrctl,  or  "dcnd"
       111nlter .
       ..  Pnrccla which cnnnot be delivered will l>c kept for n re:~sonable t ime before being finnlly
      •diapoactl of.
       .·, l'nr~t:l~  sluouhl. l1c  <r.curriy  nml  .•ul,staulially  ]J!Icl.:r,]  a nd  cl<1scd  hy  t.he  sender  n~d
       '111  110mo cMt!S se:tlft  may  be found necessary.  If wnx  is used  it  sho!!ld  be of the specJnl
       .qllllllty which will withstnud n hot climate.  Pnn;nl!<  I.(J  U.<.;.A. m :ty  not be scnlcd .
       ... .Y.areeb  conl.'\inin~:  coin,  nn.,·thin~:  made  of  ::old  ur  silver  or other  precious  nrticl~s ·
       ,~not lon fur\\'1\rtlctl  Lo n country  pnrticip:~tin:; in  Lite insurnnce  scheme  cxc.cpL the  pnr-
       eel ·l. huurou.
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