Page 38 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 38

     'black or coloured borders must not be used.  Senls  must be  plnced over c:tch flap, or ~en to,
      of the cover of n packet; and if  the pncket is tied round with string or l!tpe, n scnl  must
      be  placed on  the ends "·here  they  &re  tied.  All  the seals  must be of  the same kind of
      "·n:o::,  and must bcnr distinct impressions of  the same pri,·ate de,·ice.  Coins must not be
      u~cd fo r senlin:;;  nno  the cil'vice of the scnl  must not consist merely of  stmi:.;ht, crossed,
     ·or  curvcu  lines  whir.h  c11n  be  imit11tetl  rcndily.
       The  onuR  of  properly  enclosing  llnd  ~enJing the  lc.tter  lies  upon  the  een1l~r,  c.nd  the
      Post Office does  not assumY. li:J.bility  ~or  Ios ' Rrising  from  the defects  of  the cover or the
     ·scnl~ .  which  m:1y  not be obscr,·e:i nt. the t.ime of posting.
       Tbe amount for  which a  l~ttcr is insure ~ lllust not exceed  its actual  ''nluc. ancl  must
      be wri ttco by the sender both in  word:; nnd  in figums at the top of the nddrC\sS siciP. of thf
      co,•er.  thus:-"Insured for £12,  (Twdve Pounds)" or whntever th~ amount mny  h~
       Alteration  or  erasure  of the inscription '"ill  not  be.  o.llowed,  if  a  mist.nke  be  made
      the entry must be completely strur.k out nod 11  new entry  made by the sender   The seals
     <:~n nn  ordiunry  c-nv~l ope of :m  insured must be  placed  M  shown below:-

       Letters 1\'hich do not fulfil  the foregoing conditions will  not be accepted for  insurance,
       Insured  lett.ers  will  hnve  all  the  safe~unrd s of  the  Re~;istration system.  11no  a  certi·
     ·ficnte of must. nlwnys be  obtained IJy the sender of 1\11 insured letter.  An ncknow·
     'ledgment  of  receipt of  the  delivery  may  nl~o be  obtained  under  the  snm~ conditions
     as those applicable to Re:ristered letters. i.e., on  payment of a further fee of  Zd.
       Compeusr1tion  for  the  loss  in  the  post of  n  lettl'r,  or  of  its  contents,  will  not exceed
     t he amount of the actual loss.  and will not bto  p:tid at all  for  11  letter contnioing nny  pro·
      hibited article, or for nny letter 1\'hich  has heen delh·ered 1\'ithout extfi\rnnl trace of injury
     •and has been accepted without remark by the addressee.
       Claim  for  compensation  will  not  be  entertained  if made  more than a.  year after  the
     -date  of  posting  oi  the  letter.
       Legnl  linl>ility  to  ::ive  compensation  iu  re~pect of  any  letter  for  1\·hich  an  in•urance
     ·fee  hns been  pnid  will  not aUnch  to  the  Postmaster for  J amaica either personally. or in
     'his  oflicinl  capacity.  The  final  decision  upon  nU  (]uestions of  compcnsntion  rest~  witb
     t he postal ndministrnt.ion of the country in which the loss has tnkcn plnce.
       J nsured  letters "'ill only  he  forwnrdecl hy stP.nmer.'  !!<>in·~  direct.
       For li~t uf  c:mntrics  to  which  letters m •Y  be in;;ure:l nnJ the limit of insurauce,  see
     ·Table pp. 39 to  4G.
                               PARCEL  POST.
       A  Pnrcel  Post  Exchange,  between  Jnrnnica  and  the  United  Kingdom;  cert:~in  plnces
     ~·ia the United Kingdom; British Colonies in the West Indies; Britisb Honduras; Cnnnda;
     the 'United  St:~t-cs of Arnericn and Cnnnl Zone  is no"· in operation.
       Parcel Post business is trnns:~ct.ed o.t all  Post Offices.
       Pnrccl  mnils for  the Dritish Colonies in  t.hc West Indics nrc  mndG  up in  Kin'!~tnn for
     despatch  via  lhlifa .. '<  by the Pickford nod Black  Line ·of  Stea1ncrs;  nod,  for  lbe  United
     Kingdom,  the  United States,  Canal Zone,  Canada,  Turks  aod Caym:m  Islands  and
     Honduras by each direct opportunity, the hour of closing being  duly notified on each occa·
                     POSTAGE,  DIMENSIONS,  AND  WEIOI!T.
       No parcel may exceed ele,•en  poun:ls in weight.
       For postage,  maximum  dimensions, and other particulnrs,  ~cc Table of  Rntcs of  Post-
     :age,  &c.,  pages  3!)  to  4(i.
       Foreign (except  to  U.S.)•  and Colonial parcel3 cannot  be rtgi3tered,  but they may  be in.
     •urod to certain countries  under the conditions specified on pages 32 and  3o.
                              •see pa~e 34.
   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43