Page 40 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 40

I'OST  OFFICE  HANDBOOK.                31.
        Parcels containing  articles  of  an  aggregate  ,·alue exceeding  £50 will  not be accepted
       !or transmission.   This does not nJ:ply  to insured parcels (for t.he limit of  the nlue of
       which .•cc  page~ 3!l  to 45)
        Pnrcels recciv<'d  nt Jamnica from  plnces over sea under the Parcel  I'ost nrrnngemcnts.
       with  the  Imperial  Post  Office  nre,  in  terms  of  the  Post Office  Lnw  Amendment Law,
       1886,  opened  nt  the  Head  Ollicc,  Eingston,  for  the  purpose  of  the  amount  of  import .
       duty on the COIIlCIItS  being U.SSCIISed.  ·  ·
        After  such  ass~~~Sment the  parcels  are  delivered  as  110uer,  and  the  amount  of  duty
       collected  in  the same  mauner  as  the  post.age  on  unpaid  or  insufficiently  prepaid Mail
        In  Kingst.ou if  addressed  to a  plnce within  the house delivery  limit, by letter carrier; .·
       if beyond such limit, nt the l'nrccl  Post Office.
        In  the country,  nr.rosR  the  Post  Oflice  counter
        The amount of dut:-· assessed on nny such parcel mmt be pnid before delivery, or before·
       the  deli l'ery  of  tl11•  pnrcel  from  the  custody  of  the  Post  Office.
        All complnints relating to Customs duty on parcels shotJid  be addressed to the Collec-
       tor of Customs, Kingston, as the  Post Office  has no control in the mnttcr of dut.y.
                 SI'I~CJ.\ L  H!'':G t: 1,\'I'JIJ):~ :-J.  U:-J JTED  1\l:\ G DOi\1.
                        A.  CASt!  ON  DELIVERY  SYSTEM .
        A  Cnsh  on  Delivery  S_,·stc:>rn  of  l'nrcciR  is  in  existence  between  this  Colony  and  tbe
       UI(J'J't:v  1\Jl'C':J>CJM,  nnd thcpul>lir. c~n order goodR of n mnximum ,·aiuc of £20 from a mer-
       chant in  the  Unit<:d . 1\iu~:u(•m.  The  vnlnc  of  the  parcel,  plus  the  fc~s char~,:ed for  the·
       een·ice, on bein!! paid t.o  the Post Ollicc, is direct t.o  t.lw  mcrchnnt in  the {jnitcd ·
       Kin~;dom.  ln likll  lll:tlll)(:r  un  oni<:r  from  t.hc  linit.(•tl  1\iu!(<iOin  on Jnmnicn  CIUI  u~ exe-
       cuted, ami the value <>f  the parcel collected  in  the  Eingdom und  nm1itt~d direct
       to  the  merchant  in  Jnmaicn.                            ·
        Any further information, inclu<ling fees to be chnrgcd, cnn  he obtnincd from  the Pnrcel'
      Post Ollicc, 1\:inJ;ston, to which ollicc the scn·ice, at present, is lirnil<'d.
                     B.-PREPAYMENT  OF  CUSTOMS  DUTIES.
                 And olltfr charges 011  Parcels l'ost Parcels to  the  U11ited Kingdom.
        Persons  scndin~ p:trc<'ls  to  tin:  llnit!!d  J\in!!dom  may  if  they  ~n d<•sirr.,  t.nkn  nron
      thcJDScl\'CS  the  JlT<'Jla.vnwnt  of  tht•  C ustoms  dut.y  nnd  other  charges  which  in  ordinnry
      c:1scs arc lc\'iahh: on the addn .. sscn.  The sender will  be toltl  at th<!  lime of pustin~: what
      the approximate amount of thc.~c <:hnr:;es  will  he, nml n deposit will  l>c  taken  uf t.lre  esti-
      mated amount.  A settlement will  snhsequ(mtly be m:•de  " ·hen  n  ~<lnu~mcnt of  thr.  totnl·
      amount  of  the  char;:cs  h:~s  uccn  received  from  the  British  l.'ost Ulli<·c.  Th<' following
      · arc  tue  couui tions:-
          I. }'arcels  t.o  be  sent  under  this  nrmngement  must  be  hnmlcd  iu  ut  the  l'nrccle.
             I'ost Tirnnch  at Kingston, or :lt any district  post ollicc:.
          I I.  The CO\'l'r must. be marked l>y  the scntlcr "To b<: dt•lil·.:rc<lfrcc nf ehnr.;e."
         III. The S{~nuer must fill  up  n.nd  ~ign a  formal  umlerl.:d;in;:  l.o  pa,\'  un  d<·mnnd  tho
             amount of  the  char~es due.  Forms for  t his  dcdaratinn  mny  uc  luul  on nppli-
             c:'ltion  to  t.hc  Pnrccls  l'nst. Brnuch  nt.  Kinp:RLnn
         IV.  Parcels for  free  delivery  will  only  be ncccpted fwm  p~rsrms whose settled resi-
             dence  is  in  .)ntn:dcn..  If the S<'mlcr  is  rl'Sidin~ nnl~·  t~:utpornrily  in  .Jnrnaicn  n
             p:1rcd  c:u111ot  be  accepted  for  ddi\'cry  free  of  ehaq;c.
          V.  A ice of lid.  per parcel is  charged for  the  cost of  the service in  addition to  tho
             posln~e and  depcsit for  d11ty.  This  fee  must  he paid  by  a  stnmp  or st.:r.mps·
             allixed  by the sender to  his form  of  untlertnkinp; in  the  ph1cc  indir.ated.
         VI.  A f,·c  of  2<.!.  for delivery chnrg<•s  must be  added  tu amount tlnpn,i t"d for  duty.
         VII. The  sender must make  such  deposit  on  account  of  the  chnrp;ce  for  which  he·
            desires to provide a.s  the clerk in chnr!(e of the P!irccls Post llrnnch nt Kingston
            or the district postmaster may, in ench C.'lse,  dccitle.  This dt~posit will, for  the
            present,  be  the  amount  of  the<l  duty  nnd  must  be  puid  by  s~amps.
            n.ffixcd  to  the form of undertaking in the plncc indicated.   .
        VIII.  When a deposit has been collected the clerk in clu\rgc of the Parcels Post Branch.
            at Kingston will fill  up and sign  the receipt o.t  the  foot  of the form  of under-
            taking.  He will  hand it to the sender, 'if the  parcel is despatched from King-·
            ston, or send it to the district post10aster to hand it to the sender, if the parcel·
            is despntchcd from  any other post office.
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