Page 35 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 35

:2G                 POST  OFFICE  HANDllOOI\.
        The following tnble gives the rates uf pa~scngcr fares bctw••en  the se\'cral stations.
                         SAYANNA·LA·MAit  ANI>  MONTrELICR.

                                     Passengers Fnres.
                       -                   To
                      . Snv.-ln-l\br.   Pctersficlu.   Ha mule.   I  l\lontpclier .
       nvaunn-la-1\-far   I   ..      2/6         5/         6/
       ctcrsfield          2/6        ..          4/         5/
      Rnmule        •• 1   5/         4/          ..         2/6
       {ontpclicr   . . i   6/        5/         2/6         ..

       Pnsst"I!(<'TS  nre nlso  cnrric'l  on  t.he  ;\l:dl  Vans  ld.w~rn Lin~;Lrn·l.  Guys  Hill  nnd
     ·Gay le.
                            MAll, COACH  nEGUI.ATIONS.
       P ASSF:NGEns-A t  intr.rrncclinte  stntionR  11  pMs<:n~cr rnust  t.nke  his  chl\nr.c  of  finding
     n  vacnnt sent in  the conch. and  mu!it. if  there he a vnc:mcy. thcu pny his fnre to the local
     Postmn~tcr. or  Contrnctor's  Agent.
       In either cnse t.h\' nrnount for such ticket mu5t he  pnid in cnsh. and the ticket must be
     bnmled to the uri\'cr or ~u:ml or th<.>  conch  before the pnsscnscr takes his sent.
       In all cnsrs if a  pnssenJ;!cr intends to leJwe the coach between stations he must pny the
     far~ to the next station beyond.
       The PERSONAL  LUGGAGE  of each passenge: islimited t.o201bs.  by weight or 2.000 cubic
     inches by size.  Any exr.e'$ rnnst he  paid for as freight, and such excess may not exceed
     IOlbs.  in  ll'eight, or 1.000 cubic inchea in si~e.
       DoGs are not nlloll'ed  to  be carried· by coach.

                            OVERSEA  MAILS.
      There is now no regular contrnct mail bet.wccu  Great Drit..,.in  11.nd Jnmnica.  !lhils ar~
    ·exchanged by every nvailuble opportunity Yia ihc U.S. ·\. and by direct stcnmers.
      l\Iail com!lluuicnt.ion  bet.wecn the  U.S.A. and Jnmaicn  is  maintained by  the Stenmcrs
     of  the United  Fruit Company and the  Atlantic  Fruit  Company.
        J\~ imporl::\nt ch:tll~CI; in  the sc•locdulcs  of  :tll  Rhippilll(  (~OtnpaniCS 1\re  likely  to  tai<O
    ·pbce ns a  result of  the  ccssntinn of host.ilities,  it  is <·onsidcrcu  best not to make nny an-
     nouncement conrerning irequcnry of sen·ice, etc., etc.,
      LcttP.r  mrul;  to and from  Cnnnda  are s~nt  and received via  New  York,  but  Parce!
     Post mnils  are  conveyed  only  by  the  Pickford  and  Dlnck  bont  which  trades between
     Halifax and .J:unaic:l..  Pnrccl  Post  mail for  the West  Indin  Islnnds is :l.lso  sent  from
     Jamaica vi:l. Hnlifax by this boat.
     I'  A  fairly  rc~tular mail service is mnintaincd  with Cuba by means of schooners.  A  less
     rc::ubr service ismnintaiued with the Turks and Ca.ym:m Islands also by means of schooners
      Communication wit.h Ccntrnl nnd South Amcricn (via Colon) i5  tempornrily suspended
     <»wing  to  present  shipping  conditions.
       An A~:rccmcnt for  the  <lircct cschnm·c llf  Parcel  Pr,c.t. M:lil  between  the Ticpublic o
     l'nn!lllll\ nud Jumlli~a is  ue:ug  framed at tl•e  time or going to press.
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