Page 46 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 46

POST  OFFICE  HA.NDDOOK.                37
                        POST  OFFICE TELEGRAPHS.
         Tm: Go,·ernment Telcgraplu;  under  the  control  of  the Postmo.stcr  for  Jamo.ica
         The Tclcgrnph Offices arc in the snme buildings as the Post Offices.
         The  charge  for  telegrams  throughout Jnmnica  is  nincpcnce for  nuy number of  "·ords
        tip t.o  twelve, nnd n hnH-pcuny for every additional wonl.  The ntlurc11s nnd eignnlurc nro
        both counted.  The eba.rgc is paid in po_slagc st..'lmps amxcd to the message.
         If the Addressee  reside "'it.hin one mile of the terminal office the telegram is delivered
        by ruessen,;cr without nny nduitionnl charge; but if beyond thnt limit the followin~; por-
       terage fee must be  prcpaid:-
           a.  H the "·hole distance be under three "miles at n charge of sixpence (Gd.)  per  wile
              r.ouuliu~ from  boundary of  the free  delivery.
          ·b.  J( t.hc distance be over three miles at n charge of one shilling (b.) per mile. counting
              from  the ollicc.
         The charf!~S for  t-h~ transmission nnd  lor porterage of telegrams must be pre-paid by
        mcuns  of  ndhcsive  st.'lmps.
         Persons n'si<lcnt. nt a  place  to which  the  Island  Tclc~;raph Line hns not yet been  c~­
        tcudcu can bcnclil  by it.s use on the following con<litious:-
         1.  ir the "ords "n.,. Post" "·ith the nnme of a. tclcgrnph stntion be written on n mcssnge
       1t will  be'll"ired to such station n.nd forwarded from thence to its p\)Stt\1 uddress by first poRt.
         2.  lf a letter marked "On Post Office Business" be sent by post to the Tclc·  Clerk  nt  any  st:ltion  the  mPssnge  enclosed  will  be  prompLiy  for'll"nrdcd  by  tcire
       from such station.  In this case the letter by post must be registered nod the cost of the
       message  enclosed  in  stnmp5  or  coin.   Telegrams  may  also.  be  banded  to  n  mail
        courier on  his "·ay to a  telegraph office,  but the department does not  t.'lke any  linbility
       i or m:srarringe.
         3  No charge ""ill be made in either casP. for postage or registration.
         4. Tt:lcgrnmsnddresscd to the United Kingdom or  to nny forei~n plncc  with which there
       is tekgraphic communication nre accepted at any Telegraph Station in Jnmaica on  pay-
        ment. of the inbnd rate, in addition to the nmount charged by the Cable Compnny. 1\'hich
       may be ascertained by applicntion at enc.h station.
         5.  mny  be sent to  certain  ports for  outward  tmnsmi~sion n9  letters.  The
       ilendcrs  mu~L write" by Post" before ! he  nddressee's name. and the unme  of the terminal
       Telegra.pl1  Office  at tbe end of t.hc nddress.
         For example·-
           " By Posl,"  nrown.  12 Fifth Avenue,  New  York,  Kingston."
         In addition to the ordinary telegraph  chs.rge of  §d. n  "·ord,  f.hc  sender must nlso  pny
       .the postnge fee .
         .In such cnses  rc~;islcrcd addresses cannot be usctl.
         G.  The oflice hours are from 7 a.m. to[> p.m.,  dnily-i'undny11  nml  llnnk  llulidnya  cx-
       ·              .
         'i.  Deferred tclc~rams in  plain 1\re  ncocptcd  nt  nil  Td.,gmph  Ollicc!s  nt  half
       rates nnd under the prescribed conditions I or the lollowin~; plnccs :-
         Aden,  Ascension,  Algeria,  Austwlin,  A ustrin.  Dntlnm:t, lkiKium, llc•rmucln, 1\urmnh,
       Br11.zil  nnd  Amnwn St:ltions.  B.  N.  llorn~:o,  B.  W.  1.  Colonies,  ilritish  Dominions,
       Cnuadn., Canary Is., Ceylon, Con~o (French &  Belgium), Cocos Is.,  Cyprus,  l>cnmnrk, AJrira. Egypt, France.  French Guinea, French Somoli  Con~t. Djihouti nnd  Obok,
       ·Germany,  Gerrnan  Gold  Coast,  Greec'!,  Holland,  Hung11.ry,  lcclnnd,  India,  Italy,
       Labua.n, Luxemburg, Madaga.scar, Mauritius, New Foundlnnd, Ni~;eri11 N. ~~ S •.  Nor'll"ay,
       Netherlands.  Dutch  Iodies,  North  Africa  (Spanish Possessions only,  cxccptin~; Casa-
       blll.nca and Mogador), Perim, Portugal, neunion, Rodriques, Scrvin. Sicrrnlcouc, Somali-
       Jaud,  Strait  Settlements,  St.  Helens.,  Spnin,  Sweden,  Sene;?;lll,  Souclnn,  Switzerland.
       Turks Island, Union of S. Africa, United Kingdom. Urugtmy, Znn?.ibnr.
         The inland rnt.r. for  radio  telegrams  is,  minimum 5d.  for  10  words  nnd ~ penny for
       cvtln· «xtra word.
         Public telephone cnll  offices  been el<tablisln:tl  nt Cru~s Ronds nnd Hn!fl\·ay Tree
       post ofliec5.  The fee  is 2tl. for a  conversation uot cxc!'c<liu,.;  three miuutcs.
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