Page 265 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 265


            Telegrams—(Overseas) Radio and Telegraph Licences, eontd.

     Counting, eontd.
       Words  incorrectly spelt so as to bring the number of letters within the  maxi­
     mum or incorrectly joined together contrary to the  use of the language are  not
     permitted  in plain  language telegrams.
       Figures may be used in the text, but the  hargeable number of such  figures  or
     groups of ligurcs must not exceed ( nc-third of the chargeable number of words in
     the telegram exclusive of the address.
       By secret language (code or cipher) is meant:
         (1)  artificial words (which need not be pronounceable) composed exclusively
            of letters;
         (2)  figures or groups or series of figures having a secret meaning;
         (3)  words, names, expressions  or combinations  of letters  no.  fulfilling  the
            conditions applicable to plain language;
         (!)  a  mixture  of the  words  and  expressions  mentioned  above.  Words  in
            secret Ian  uage must not contain any accented letter. Groups composed
            of letters and figures, letters or figures and signs having a secret meaning
            arc not  permitted.
       Artificial words are counted at the rate of five letters to the word.  Real words
     not used with the meaning normally assigned  to them  in the language to which
     they belong arc counted at the rate of 15 letters to the word.


       Under the provisions of the  Radio and Telegraph Control Act,  1972, no per­
     son  shall  within  the  Island  or  its territorial  waters  establish,  maintain  or  use
     any  radio  or  telegraph  station  or  apparatus  without first  obtaining  a  licence
     for the purpose, issued pursuant to regulations made under the Act.
       These provisions, however, shall not apply to:—
          (a)  the  holder  of a  licence  granted  under  the Broadcasting  and  Radio
             Rediffusion Act in accordance with the provisions of that Act;
          (b)  any  mobile  station  of  foreign  registry  temporarily  in or  over  the
             Island  which  is  covered  by  a  valid  licence  in  the country  in  which
             it is registered;
          (c)  radio and  telegraph equipment designed and used only for reception
             of news  broadcasts  transmitted  by  news agencies  and  intended  for
             reception  by their subscribers; or
          (d)  the  establishment,  installation  or  use of  such  radio  or  telegraph
             station  or apparatus as  may  from time  to  time be exempted  by  the
             Minister by regulations, which exemption may be absolute or subject
             to such terms and limitations as the Minister may prescribe.
       Notwithstanding  the  abovementioned  provisions,  the  Minister  may  grant
     to  any applicant  a  special  licence, whether exclusive or non-exclusive, to estab­
     lish, maintain or use any radio or telegraph station or apparatus, for such period
     and on such  terms and conditions as the  Minister may determine,  so,  however,
     that  the holder of a special  licence granted  under this section shall conform to
     any regulations for the time being in force in relation  thereto.
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