Page 263 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 263


                     Telegrams—(Overseas),  contd.

            (b)  lie is prepared lo pay the  normal transmission charges including
               porterage  where  necessary,  on  all  telegrams  sent  to  the  Post
               Office Telegraph Centre for onward transmission to inland desti­

     The Post Office docs not handle Overseas Telex calls.  This service is provided
   by Jamaica  International Telecommunications Ltd.
     The Telex dial  number of the  Post Office  Telegraph  Centre  is  33  and  its
   Answer Back Code is “ potei.s Kingston".

     The address of telegrams to b; retained until called for at a telegraph  or  post
   offic • should  be  preceded  by  one  of the  followng  indications according  to  the
   facility rcquirc.1:
     TR=Tclcgrar.i  to  be called  for at  a  telegraph  office:  =GP=Tclcgram  to  be
   called  for  at  a  Paste  Rest ante:  =GPR=Tclcgram  to  be  called  for  at a  post
   office,  registered.  The supplementary  charge for the service G PR=  is 6c. These
   services arc not available on Commonwealth Social Telegrams.

   Telegrams follow  the Addressee
     When the sender of a telegram is not certain that the addressee will be found at
   the  address given  and  desire  the  telegram  to  be sent  on,  the  indicator  =FS =
   should  be inserted before the address. This service is not available on Common­
   wealth Social Telegrams.  It  is charged  for as one word.
   Sender’s Name and Address
     The name and address of the send  r must be written on the back of the form in
    the space provided and it is desirable that the sender’s telephone number should
   be added.

     Words in the address of a telegram, other than the name of the office of desti­
    nation, are counted at the rate of 15 letters to a word.
     Subject  to this  limit:  (1)  personal  names,  names of ships and  so  on  may  be
   combined by the sender to form single expressions, for example,  "Delarue.” and
   (2)  the names of s:rccts, squares, boulevards and other public thoroughfares may
    be combined to form single expressions and are counted as single words if w ritten
   without a break.  House numbers for example 30/A or 301 BIS arc counted at the
    rate of live characters to the word, but the oblique stroke is not charged for.
     A telephone number and the name of the exchange, together with the indicator
     1 F = , is counted in the address as one word, for example "=T F Passv 5074=”
   counts  as  one  word.  Similarly,  a  telex  number  together  with  the  indicator=
   TLLEX=  is  counted  in  the  address  as  one  word,  for  example  "—TELEX=
   20074” =counts as one w ord.
     The name of the office of destination is charged for as one word whatever its
    length. When the name of the country or district  is necessary to distinguish  the
    office from others of the same name it is not charged for. Similarly in telegrams for
    large towns a district indicator added to the name of the town is  not charged  for.
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