Page 267 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 267


                       Radio and Telegraph  Licences, conttl

        Amateur  Radio  Operator's  Certificates,  Class  B  arc  issued  to  candidates
       who arc not  less than  15 years  of age and, among other qualifications, arc able
      to  send  and  receive  in  the  Morse code at  a  speed  of not  less  than  10  words a
        Amateur  Radio  Operator’s  Certificates,  Class  C  arc  issued  to  candidates
      w ho are  not  less than  12 years of age and, among other qualifications, arc able
      to  send  and  receive  in  the  Morse  code  at  a  speed  of not  less  than  5  words
      a  minute.
        Before issuing an Operator’s Certificate, the Postmaster General shall  examine
      each  applicant  so  as  to  be  satisfied  that  the  applicant  possesses  the  minimum
      qualifications  required  for  the  class  of  certificate  for  which  he  has  applied.
      The  examination  shall  consist  of  written,  oral  and  practical  tests.  However,
      the  Postmaster  General  may,  in  his  discretion,  issue  without  examination  a
      Jamaican  Certificate  to  the  holder  of  an  equivalent  certificate  of  proficiency
      issued in another Commonwealth country.
        Where  there  is an  agreement  between Jamaica  and  some  other country (out­
      side the Commonwealth), for the granting of reciprocal  amateur radio operating
      privileges  to  the  nationals  of one  country  when  visiting  the  other  country, the
      Postmaster  General  may  issue an  Alien  Amateur  Radio Station  Permit  for  the
      operation  of an  amateur  radio  station  in  Jamaica,  for  a  specified  period,  to  a
      national of any other such country w ho is the holder of an amateur radio licence
      valid in the country of which he is a citizen or national.  At the present time, such
      an  agreement  is  in  operation  only  between  Jamaica  and  the  United  States  of
        The  examination  fee  for  any  class  of Amateur  Radio  Operator’s  Certificate
      is SI .00.  The fee for an Amateur Radio Station  Licence on application is S.200.
      The  Licence shall  expire on  the  31st  day  of March  next  after  the date  of issue
      but may be renewed annually on  payment of the fee of S2.00 to  the Postmaster
        These  Licences are  issued  by  the  Postmaster General  in  accordance  with  the
      provisions of the  Radio and  Telegraph  Control  (Radio Operators and Techni­
      cians) Regulations,  1974.
        A  Radio Technician’s  Licence,  Class  A  may  be  issued  to any  applicant  who
      has  satisfied  the  Postmaster  General  of  his  knowledge  and  qualifications  in
      respect of:—
          (a)   the  general  principles  of electricity  and  the  theory  of radio;
           (b)  advanced  skill  in  the  installation,  repair  and  adjustment  of  radio
              transmitting  apparatus  with  particular  reference  to  safety  measures
              and to the avoidance of harmful interference to other radio users; and
           (c)  the operation and use of test instruments.
        A  Radio  Technician’s  Licence,  Class  B  may  be  issued  to any  applicant  who
      has  satisfied  the  Postmaster  General  of  his  knowledge  and  qualifications  in
      respect of:—
           (a)  elementary principles of electricity and the theory of radio;
           (b)  basic  skill  in  the  installation,  repair  and  adjustment  of radio  trans­
              mitting  apparatus  having  a  radio  frequency  power  not  exceeding
              one thousand  watts and  with  particular reference to safety measures
              and to the avoidance of harmful interference to other radio users; and
           (c)  the operation and use of basic test instruments.
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