Page 268 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 268


                      Radio and 'Telegraph Licences, con'd.

         The examination fee for a  Radio Technician’s  Licence, Class A  is S6.00 and
       that for a Radio Technician's Licence, Class B is S4.00.

       Experimental  Radio Station Licence
         These  licences  arc  granted  by  the  Postmaster  General  under  the  provisions
       of the  Telegraph  Control  (Dealers’  and  Experimental  Radio  Station  Licences)
       Regulations,  1971.
         A Dealers’ Licence may be issued to any suitable applicant to sell, exchange or
       deal in radio-telephone or telegraphic apparatus by way of his trade or business.

         The holder of a Dealers’ Licence shall not sell, hire, install, maintain or operate
       any apparatus capable  of emitting radiofrequency  energy  unless  he  has  on  his
       stalf or in his employment a person holding an appropriate Operator’s Certificate
       or Radio  Technician’s  Licence.
        The holder of a  Dealers’  Licence shall  make a quarterly  return  to the  Post­
       master General listing all radiotransmitting  equipment disposed of or acquired,
       and the number of radiotransmitting units in a stock, dismantled or destroyed.
        The fee for a  Dealers’  Licence on application  is $5.00.  The Licence shall ex­
       pire on  the  31st day  of March  next after the date of issue but  may  be renewed
       annually on presentation of the licence and payment of the  renewal fee of S5.00
       to the  Postmaster General.
        An Experimental  Radio Station  Licence may be issued  to any suitable appli­
       cant authorizing the establishment of an experimental radio station.
        Such a  Licence shall  not  be issued  to any person unless lie is the holder of an
       appropriate  Operator’s  Certificate.  Nevertheless,  where  in  the  opinion  of  the
       Postmaster General, the operation of the experimental radio station or the nature
       of the experiments to be carried out does not require a knowledge of the Morse
       Code, he may waive this requirement when determining the class of certificate re­

        The  fee  for an  Experimental  Radio Station  Licence on  application  is  S2.00.
       The Licence shall expire on the 31st day of March next after the date of issue but
       may be renewed annually on  presentation of the licence and payment of the re­
       newal fee of S2.00 to the Postmaster General.

        These  licences  are  issued  by  the  Postmaster General  in  accordance  with  the
       provisions  of the  Radio and  Telegraph  Control  (Private  Radio Service)  Regu­
       lations,  1973.
        A licence is issued to an applicant only after he has satisfactorily demonstrated
       his need for radiocommunication  including how the lack of the facility has been
       affecting his business or other activities.

        Radio  frequencies assigned  for the  use of any  licensee arc  liable  to simulta­
       neous assignment  to any  other  licensee  or  to change  at  any  time  where this  is
       necessary in the opinion of the  Postmaster General in order to effect a more effi­
       cient use of the radio  frequency spectrum or to  comply with any  International
       Convention or otherwise.
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