Page 269 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 269


                      Radio and Telegraph Licences,  conul.

        The following licences may be issued:—
         (1)  Private  Radio  Station  Licence  authorizing  the  establishment,  mainte­
            nance and use of one or more stations.
         (2)  Private Radio Station (User) Licence authorizing the use only of one or
            more stations.
        The fee payable on application for these licences is the annual  fee specified in
      the Schedule below. These licences may be renewed each year on payment to the
      Postmaster General of the annual fee.
        In addition, the Postmaster General may issue a non-renewable Private Radio
      Station  Licence or  Private  Radio Station (User)  Licence  for a specified  limited
      period of less than one year. These licences may be issued for periods of 3 months,
      6 months or 9  months,  the fee applicable  being one-quarter, one-half or three-
      quarters of the annual fee specified in the Schedule below.

                             Schedule of Fees

         1.  Private Radio Station Licence
             Annual fee for each transmitter included in a licence:—
             (a)  transmitters operating on a  frequency  not  exceeding 470
                MHz with a mean power not exceeding one watt   ..  S  5.00
             (b)  transmitters operating  with a mean  power not  exceeding
                125 watts      ..      ..      ..       .,  S  8.00
             (c)  transmitters operating with a mean power in excess of
                125 watts      ..      ..      ..       ..  S16.00
             (d)  transmitters carrying more than one voice channel:
                (i)  carrying a maximum of 6 voice  channels..   ..  S36.00
               (ii)  carrying more than 6 voice channels:
                  for each additional  group of 6  voice channels or part
                  thereof      ..      ..      ..       ..  S30.00
             (c)  paging transmitters serving more than one organization   S50.00
         2.  Private Radio Station  (User) Licence
            Annual Fee         ..      ..      ..       ..  S  5.00
         3.  Substitute licence   ..   ..      ..       ..  S  5.00
        These Licences arc issued in accordance with the Merchant Shipping (Wireless
      Telegraphy)  Act and  the  Merchant  Shipping  (Wireless  Telegraphy)  (Coastal
      Vessels) Regulations  1958 and are  granted by the Minister.  Application  should
      be made to the the Postmaster General. The fee is S6.00  per annum payable on
      April  1, in each year.
        No person shall operate any apparatus in respect of which a licence is granted
      under these  regulations  unless  he is  the  holder  of a  Certificate of Competency
      granted  by  the  Postmaster  General.  Examinations  are  arranged  by  the  Tele­
      communications  Branch of the  Post  Office.  No fee is specified  for this  examina­
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