Page 274 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 274

                           Money Orders,  conhl.

       The  Postmaster  General  accepts  no  responsibility  for  wrong  delivery  or
      payment  resulting  from,  or  facilitated  by,  indistinctness,  inaccuracy  or  incom­
      pleteness  of the  particulars  furnished  on  the  application  form.
      Documents Handed to Remitter
       The  issuing  Postmaster will  hand  to  the remitter  either:—
         (a)  a  money  order  to  be  forwarded  by  post  to  the  payee  for  presentation
            at  the office of payment; or
         (b)  a  certificate  of issue.  In  eases  where  certificates  of  issue  arc  used  the
            money order will be sent to the payee from the chief office of the country
            of payment.
      Period of Validity of Money Orders
       Money Orders issued  in Jamaica for payment abroad  remain  valid for twelve
      months  from  the  last  day  of the  month  of issue  and  in  Austria,  Brazil,  India,
      the Netherlands Antilles  territory they are valid for eight  months and  U.uguay
      for six months only.
       Money  Orders  issued  abroad  for  payment  in  Jamaica  remain  valid  far  a
      period  of six months, except fi r  Brit sh Telegraph Money Orders which retrain
      valid for a year and  those issued  in the  United States of America which remain
      valid for twenty years.
       Not  withstanding  the  above,  orders  presented  for  payment  after the  periods
      listed  below  should  be  referred  to  the  Postmaster  General  for  approval  of
         U.S.A. AND CANADA    3 months after the date of issue.
         UNITED KINGDOM       1  month after the end  of the month  of issue.

       Orders presented after expiry of the period of validity can only be paid after
      special  authority  has  been  obtained  from  the country  cf issue.

      Advice of Payment
       Where  the  remitter  of the money  order  desires  to  be advised  of the date of
      payment  of the order,  he may  apply to  the office of issue either at  the time  of
      issue of the money order or subsequently and pay a fee of two cents.  The issuing
      Postmaster will then arrange for an advice of payment to be sent to the remitter.

       Orders  are  paid  in  the  currency  of the  country  of payment  and  payment  is
      subject to the regulations of that country.

       The rates of conversion  of the amounts of money  orders  issued in  or drawn
      for payment  in countries where the currency is other than sterling are liable to
        Money  Orders  from  countries  other  than  the  Bahamas,  Canada,  U.S.A.,
      Canal Zone and the United Kingdom cannot be paid  unless:—
         (a)  Corresponding advice has been previously received;
         (b)  the advice  bears  the  date stamp  of the office at  which  the  order pur­
            ports to have been issued.
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