Page 277 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 277


                          POSTAL  ORDERS
                     JAMAICA  POSTAL  ORDERS

        Jamaica  Postal  Orders  are  sold  and  cashed  at  all  Post  Offices  and  Postal
      Agencies in Jamaica.  1 hese orders arc for internal use c nly, and must not be sent
        They arc available  in  the  following denominations  and  the sale  price  shown
      includes commission.
             nination     Sale Price   Denomination  Sale F
              10c            lie          50c          54c
              15c            16c          80c          84c
              20c            22c       SI .00        SI.Of
              25c            27c       S2.00         S2.05
              Jt'c            3c       S4.' 0        SI. 07
              35c            38c       S6.00         S6.07
              40c            43c       S8.60        S8.08
              45c            48c      S10.00        SI0.0S

                     BRITISH  POSTAL  ORDERS

       British  Postal  Orders  are  sold  (subject  to  the  regulations of the Exchange
      Control Authority) and cashed at all Post Offices and Postal  Agencies in Jamaica.
      They are valid in most countries in the  British Commonwea th (except Australia
      Canada and in certain other countries).  The participating countries are indicated
      by the letters P.O. in the ufth column of the Money Order and  Postal Order Sche­
      dules  which follow this section  of the Guide.

       The  following  denominations  are  normally  stocked;  the  sale  price  shown
      includes commission.
                         Fa.c Value                 Selling Price
          U.K. Face       in Jamaica    Poundage      including
           Value          Currency                   Poundage

              10p            i5c          iic          29c
              I5p            23c          14c          37c
              iop            30c          i-4c         44c
              25p            38c          14c          52c
              4  p           60c          14c          74c
              50p            75c          14c          89c
           £1.00          S I.50          17c       S I.67
           £5.0)          S7.5.)          22c       S7.72

      Postage Stamps on Postal Orders
       The sender of Jamaica and British Postal Orders may increase their value up to
      the amount of:—
          9c by affixing to the face of the order local  stamps not exceeding two  in
           No payment can be made  for stamps  not  affixe!  in the spaces provided.
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