Page 282 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 282


               Money  Order and  Postal  Order  Schedules,  contd.

                          Money  Order  Other
                             Service  Services
                           3    o.
        Country     Route  O    • g o S           Remarks
                            aximum  an  for Single  Order  Ip  Heading
                          2     G
    Central African
      Republic    via London S100  C  AP      London  remits  the
                                               order through
                                               France where an ad­
                                               ditional  commission
                                               is deducted.
    Ceylon        See  Sri
    Chad          via London $100  C  AP      London  remits  the
                                               order  t h r o u g h
                                               France  where an ad­
                                               ditional  commission
                                               is deducted.

    Chatham Islanda   via London   $100  1 C    PO, AP
    Chile         via London   $  80  C    AP
    Christmas Island   via London $100  C  AP  London  remits  the
      (Indian Ocean)                           order  through  Aus­
                                               tralia  where  an  ad­
                                               ditional  commission
                                               is deducted.
    Colombia      via London   S  80  C  AP
    Comoro Islands  via London $100  c  AP    London  remits  the
                                               o r d e r  t h r o u g h
                                               France where an  ad­
                                               ditional  commission
                                               is deducted.
    Congo (Peoples
      Republic)   via London $100  c   AP     London  remits  the
                                               o r d e r  t h r o u g h
                                               France where an  ad­
                                               ditional  commission
                                               is deducted.
    Cook Islands    via London   $100  c  PO, T, AP
    Corsica                                   See France.
    Costa Rica   via London $ 8 0   C  A P'   Orders  are  accepted
                                               for  San  Jose  only.
    Curacao                                  See Netherlands Antil­
    Cyprus    .. via London  $100  c  AP
    Czechoslovakia  .. ivia London   S  80  C  AP
    Dahomey   . .jvia London  $100  c  AP     London  remits  the
                                               o r d e r  t h r o u g h
                                               France where an  ad­
                                               ditional  commission
                                               is deducted.
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