Page 279 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 279


                          Postal  Orders,  contd.

       Period during  which  Orders  are  payable:  If  an  order  be  not  paid  within  six
     months  from  the  last  day  of  the  month  of  issue,  a  commission  equal  to  the
     original  poundage  will  be  charged.  The commission  thus  paid  must  be  affixed
     in postage stamps to the back of the order.  Postal orders which arc not presented
     for payment  within six months from  the  last day of the month  of issue arc not
     paid until reference has been made to the Postmaster General.
       Filling in o f Order:  The purchaser of a  postal order must, before parting  with
     it fill in the name of the  person to whom  the amount is to be  paid,  and is recom­
     mended to  fill  in  the  name  of the  office  of  payment  as  a  precaution  in  ease
     the  order should be  lost or stolen.  If the purchaser docs not know  which  Post
     Office  is most convenient  to the payee he should  insert  the  name of the  town,
     village or district  where the  payee  resides.  The  order  will  then  be  paid  at any
     Post Office in the place named.
       Counterfoils:  Every  person  to  whom  a  postal  order  is issued  should  tear  off
     and  retain  the  counterfoil.  It's  production  will  facilitate  inquiry  if  the  order
     should be lost.
       Miscarriage or  Loss:  The  Postmaster  General  cannot  undertake  to  consider
     any application respecting a postal order which has miscarried, or w hich has been
     lost or destroyed, unless the counterfoil be produced; and unless proof be given to
     his satisfaction  tiiat  the  name of the payee was inserted  in the order  before  the
     holder parted with it.
       After a  Postal  Order has once  been  paid, to whomsoever it is paid, the  Post­
     master General will not  be liable to any further claim.
       Payment to the Public:  Before a Postal Order is paid the name of the payee and
     the  name  of  the  office  of  payment  must  have  been  filled  in  and  the  order  be
     properly receipted.  Any person presenting an order for payment may be required
     to sign  his  own  name  thereto  notwithstanding  that  it  may  have  been  already
     signed by the payee.
       Payment through  Bankers:  If a  postal  order be crossed  payment  will only  be
     made through a bank: and if the name of a bank be added, payment will only be
     made through that bank.
       Payment to sender:  The sender of a postal order can  obtain repayment of the
     amount (but not the poundage) on presenting the order and the counterfoil at the
     issuing  office.  If  the  order  has  been  crossed  for  payment  through  a  bank  the
     sender must first cancel  the crossing  by writing across  the face of the order the
      words “please pay cash” adding his initials.
       Erasure, Alterations, &c.:  If any erasure or alteration  is made or if the order
     has not been signed or stamped by the issuing officer or if it has been cut, defaced
     or mutilated, payment may be refused.
       Postal Orders not Negotiable: Postal orders do not, like Bank of England notes
      represent value in themselves.  If an order is lost or stolen no person into whose
      hands it may fall,  though  himself  innocent, is entitled to receive the  amount of
      the order.  The rightful ow ner is alone entitled to cash the order.
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