Page 276 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 276


                 Money  Orders:  Telegraph  Money  Orders,  could.

         The charges arc as fjllows:—
          (a)  The amount of the order
          (b)  Commission at the s:ime rate as for an ordinary order
          (c)  The charge for the telegram of advice at the ordinary or "letter telegram"

        The remitter must furnish an address of the payee sufficient  to ensure delivery.
       If he intends that the order should be called for at a  Post Office the words “Poste
       Rcstantc" should be written  instead of the address after the payee’s name, and he
       should  inform  the payee of the despatch of the order and the name of the  Post
       Office  to  which  it  is  addressed  unless  'his  is  already  known  to  the  payee.  The
       remitter  must  defray  all  expenses  and  bear  all  losses  resulting  from  the  par­
       ticulars in the telegram of advice being incorrect or insufficient  to ensure payment
       to the proper person.
       Private Communication to the Addressee
        The remitter is allowed, on paying for  the  additional words required, to add to
       the official telegram of advice, any short communication in English which he may
       wbh  to  send  to  the  payee.  H : may  also,  if he so  desires  prepay  the cost  of a
       telegraphic reply to such communication.  The full  rate per word is charged for
       the reply.
       Advice of Payment
         If the remitter requires an advice of  payment he  must pay a fee of 2c and the
       cost  of including the  words  “  advice  payment”  in  the  telegram of advice.  The
       advice of payment will  be sent by post.
        The  Postmaster  General  is  not  liable  for  any  loss  or  damage  incurred  or
       sustained  by reason or on account of any mistake or  default  in the transmission
       or delivery of a telegraph money order.
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