Page 275 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 275


                   Money  Orders;  Telegraph  Money  Orders

        Subject  to (a) and  (b) above the  Paying Officer shall  make  payment of every
      order presented  (otherwise than through a  bank) if;—
           (i)  the payee, as named  by the remitter on the order, gives the remitter's
             name correctly;
           (ii)  the name of the remitter as furnished  by the applicant  is in agreement
              with the advice;
          (iii)  the money order is properly receipted;
          (iv)  the  identity  of the  person  presenting  the  money  order  is established
              to the satisfaction of the Paying Officer.
        A  money order payable to a limit  d liability company, corporation or society
      must have the name of the company, corporation or society entered in the receipt
      space,  together with  the signature of a  responsible officer such as the Secretary,
      Manager,  Director, Treasurer or Accountant  and  the description of  his  official
        A crossed  order  may  be paid  only through a  bank.  If the name  of a  bank is
      inserted, payment can  only be made through that bank.
        If a  payee  is  unable  to  write,  he  may  sign  the  receipt  by  making  his  mark
      which  must  be  certified  by  a  witness  in  the  presence of the  paying officer.  The
      addicss of the witness should also be furnished.

        The paying officer is not  permitted to act as witness
      Wrong or Delayed Payment
        After a  money  order has been  paid  the  Post  Office  is  not liable  to  meet  any
      claim  in connection  with  it,  nor can any claim  be entertained  for  loss or injury
      arising  out  of delay  in  payment  or  any  o.her  irregularity.
      Duplicate Orders
        When  a  duplicate  order  is  required  to  replace  a  missing  order, application
      should  be  made  by  the  remitter  to  the  Post  Office  of  the  country of  origin.
      Applications  for duplicates or orders  issued  in Jamaica should  be  made  to  the
      Postmaster General.
      Abuse of System
        Should  it  appear  that  money  orders  are  being  used  for  the  transmission  of
      large sums of money or that the system is being otherwise  abused, the Post Office
      may increase the prescribed rates of commission or refuse to issue orders.

                      TELEGRAPH MONEY ORDERS
        Money Orders for sums  not exceeding 100 dollars may  be advised by telegram
      from any money order office in J. maica to any money order office in the United
      Kingdom subject to Bank of Jamaica regulations.
        Similar amounts not exceeding 100 dollars may also be  forwarded by telegraph
      money  order  from  the  United  Kingdom  to any  money  order office in Jamaica.
        Telegraph  Money  Orders  are  governed  by  the  same  conditions as  ordinary-
      money orders subject to the following exceptions;—
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