Page 270 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 270


                     Radio and Telegraph Licences, could.

        This  Licence  is granted  under the  Merchant  Shipping  (Wireless Telegraphy)
      Act,  by the  Minister.  Application  should be made to the Postmaster  General.
      The fee is S4.00 per annum.
        The Licence enables the Ship Station to be used for the purpose of:—
          (a)  sending by wireless telegraphy messages to coast stations, ship stations
             and aircraft stations;
         (b)  receiving by wireless telegraphy messages sent from coast stations, ship
             stations, aircraft stations,  special service stations and radio navigation
             stations,  for general  reception  by ship stations or for reception  by the
             Ship  Station,  and  messages  (including  programmes  but  not  including
            visual  images  sent  by  television)  sent  by  authorized  broadcasting
         (c)  in  emergency  only,  sending and  receiving  messages  to and  from  any
             other station for wireless telegraphy with which it is desirable for safety
             of life reasons that the ship should communicate.
        All  persons operating the Station shall  observe and comply with the relevant
      provisions of the International Telecommunication Convention.

        These  Licences arc Special  Licences which are granted  by the Minister  under
      The Radio and Telegraph Control Act,  1972.
        An Aeronautical Ground Station Licence enables the Station to be established
      at an Aerodrome and to be used for the purpose of:—
         (a)  sending  by  wireless telephony messages concerning  the  safety  or  navi­
            gation  of  aircraft  to  stations  for  wireless  telephony  in  any  aircraft
            using the said Aerodrome, and (in emergency only) to stations for wire­
            less telephony in any other aircraft;
         (b)  receiving  by wireless telephony  from  stations for wireless  telephony  in
            any aircraft messages intended for receipt by the Station.
        Application  for  such  Licences  should  be  made  to  the  Postmaster  General.
      The fee is S6.00 per annum for each Aircraft  or Aeronautical  Ground Station.
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