Page 266 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 266

                     Radio and Telegraph Licences, could.

        The provisions of the Radioand Telegraph Control  Act, 1972, shall not apply
      to radio and television receiving sets primarily designed to receive transmissions
      intended for direct reception  by the general public.
        Stations  and  apparatus  exempted  by  the  Minister by  regulations  arc  speci­
      fied  in  the  Radio  and  Telegraph  Control  (Exemptions)  Regulations,  1973.
        These include:—
          (1)  any telegraph station or apparatus which—
                (i)  depends  for  its operation on and  is connected  to any  licensed
                  common carrier systems;
               (ii)  complies  with  all  the  requirements,  (technical  or  otherwise)
                  set  out  in  the  licence  issued  in  respect  of the common  carrier
                  system or service concerned;
               (iii)  is not  used to transmit or receive third party messages;
          (2)  any radio microphone or communication device of which—
                (i)  the carrier of the device is maintained  within  the band 26.97-
                  27.27 megahertz;
               (ii)  all  emissions  including  modulation  products  below  26.97
                  megahertz or above  27.27 megahertz are  suppressed  20  db  or
                  more below the level of the unmodulated carrier;
               (iii)  the  input  to  the  final  radio  frequency  stage  (exclusive  of fila­
                  ment or heater power) does not exceed  100 milliwatts; and
               (iv)  the antenna consists of a single element which docs not exceed
                  5 feet in length;
         (3)  apparatus  for  the  remote  control  of  models  or  other  devices  which
             operates  within  the  band 27.180-27.210 megahertz and  is not  capable
             of  emitting  radio  waves  of  a  field  strength  greater  than  1  volt  per
             metre at 25 feet.

        The  Postmaster  General  may  grant  Amateur  Radio  Station  Licences  to
      persons  who  are  qualified  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of the  Radio  and
      Telegraph  Control  (Amateur  Radio  Service)  Regulations,  1974.  Licences  are
      issued  for operating either a  Class A,  Class  B  or Class C station.
        A  licence shall  not  be  issued  to any  person unless he is the  holder of one  of
      the following certificates:—
           (a)  Amateur Radio Operator’s Certificate, Class A;
           (b)  Amateur Radio Operator's Certificate, Class B;
           (c)  Amateur Radio Operator's Certificate Class C; or
           (d)  any  other  Radio  Operator’s  Certificate  for  which  the  qualifications
              are  not  of  a  lower  standard  than  that  required  for  any  Class  of
              Amateur Radio Operator's Certificate.
        Amateur Radio Operator’s Certificates, Class A arc issued only to candidates
      who arc not less than  18 years of age and, among other qualifications, are able
      to  send  and  receive  in  the  Morse code  at  a  speed  of not  less than  15  words  a
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