Page 262 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 262


                       Telegrams—(Overseas), contd.

       The address of a telegram should contain sufficient  particulars to enable it  to
     he delivered without inquiry  or reference to directories.  It  must contain at  least
     two words, the first designating the addressee by  name  or an  abbreviated  tele­
     graphic address registered at  the telegraph office of  destination, and the  second,
     the telegraph  office of  destination.  Telegrams addressed  to  a  Post  Office  Box
     number must also contain  the name of the addressee. The sender should,  in hi*
     own  interests,  include the name of the  street and  the  number  of the  house.  If,
     however,  these  particulars  are  not  known  to  the  sender,  the  inclusion  of  the
     trade or profession of the addressee  will facilitate  delivery.  Telegrams  addressed
     to persons at  the address  of another must  contain,  immediately after the name
     of the actual addressee the word  "chc:, care of", or other equivalent expression.
       In telegrams for places where  English  is not  the recognised  language, the ad­
     dress should be in  French or in the language of the country to w hich the telegram
     is sent. In order that the destination of the telegram  can he seen easily at all stages
     of transmission, the name of the telegraph office from  which the telegram is to be
     delivered should always come  last in the address.  In telegrams for large towns a
     district indicator may be added to the name of the  town, for e sample, "Paris 15."

       Telegrams for delivery at the Urgent, Letter or Commonwealth Social Telegram
     rates  should  have  the  appropriate  indication  in  front  of  the  address  thus:
     URGENT=Urgcnt  telegram;  LT=Letter  Telegram;  GLT-Commonwealth
     Social Telegram.
       The sender may request that telegrams be delivered by telephone.  In such tele­
     grams the indication=TF=should be written before the address and the name of
     the exchange and the telephone number should  be  followed  by  the  addressee’s
     name and  place of  destination, for  example. " = TF Passy 5074—Pauli  Paris".
     If the addressee is not the telephone subscriber the word  "die:, care of." or  other
     equivalent expression must  be included in the address.

       The  sender  may  request  that  telegrams,  except  Commonwealth  Social  Tele­
      grams, be dcliveicd by telex. In such tel .'grams the indication "--T L X =” should
      be written before the address and the telex number should be followed by the ad­
      dressee’s  name  and  place  of destination,  for example,   TLX  20074"■= PauU
       The Post Office Telegraph Centre at the General Post Office, Kingston, is con­
      nected to the Kingston Telex Exchange operated by the Jamaica Telephone Com­
      pany. The following services are available to Telex Subscribers:—
         (i)  Inland and Overseas Telegrams received by the Post Office for delivery to
           Telex  Subscribers arc  transmitted  to  them  over the Telex  free of cost
        (ii)  Inland Telegrams may be transmitted by Telex Subscribers direct  to the
           Post Office Telegraph Centre, provided:
               (a)  each  Subscriber first  opens  a  Deposit  Account  with  the  Post­
                   Th:  Deposit  Account  should  cover  2  months  anticipated
                  transactions and will be increased in proportion w ith theamouw^
                  of business _done._ The  Service  charge  for  operating  a  DeposjjA
                  Account is 524.00 per annum.
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