Page 260 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 260


                     Telegrams—(Inland) (Overseas,) could.

        General:  A receipt for a telegram may be obtained on the prescribed  form on
      payment of lc for each receipt.
        A certified copy of a telegram may be  obtained on application to the Postmaster
      General on payment of a fee of 5c. if special  search is necessary the cost incurred
      will be charged in addition.
        Inland telegrams arc retained  on  file for 3  months.  On  Jamaica Government
      Service (O.J.G.S.) for 4 months, and foreign telegrams for 6 months.
        Abbreviated telegraphic addresses  (inland) for use at any  office,  may  be  regis­
      tered with the Postmaster General at a cost of $8 per annum.

        Persons resident at a place to  which the island telegraph line has not been exten­
      ded can benefit by its use on the following conditions—
         (a)  If the words “By Post” wi h name of a telegraph station be written on a
             message  it  will  be  telegraphed  to  such  station  and  forwarded  from
             thence to its postal address by first post.
         (b)  If a letter marked “On Post Office Telegraph Business”  be sent by post
             to the telegraph clerk at any station the message enclosed will be prompt­
             ly forwarded by telegraph from such station.  In this ease the letter may
             be  registered  and  the  cost  of the  message enclosed  in  stamps or coin.
             Telegrams may also be handed  to a  mail courier  on  his way to a tele­
             graph office, but the Department docs not take any  liability  for  miscar­
         (c)  No  charge  will  be  made  in  either  case  for  postage  or  registration.

        Cablegrams: Cablegrams for all parts of the world  may be handed  in  at  any
      Telegraph  Office  on  payment  of the  inland  charge  in  addition  to  the  amount
      charged  by  Jamaica  International  Telecommunications  (JAMINTEL),  in
      accordance  with  their  Tariff.  No  inland rale  is charged for  telegrams  for the
      British Commonwealth and the U.S.A.
        For table of rates apply to any Telegraph  Office  or  at  the  Office of Jamaica
      International Telecommunications, 15 North Street, Kingston.
        The various classes of message available are:—
        Ordinary  Telegrams
        Ordinary telegrams may be written in plain or secret (code or cipher) language
      or any combination of these.
        The  text  of an  ordinary telegram  may  contain  a mixture of plain  and  secret
      code and/or cipher)  language  and  the  total  charge  is arrived  at  by  adding  the
      charge  for  each  individual  word  reckoned  in  accordance  with  the  rules  for
        The minimum charge is as for seven words.

      Urgent Telegrams
        The urgent telegram provides a specially accelerated service to most countries.
        Such  telegrams  have  priority  in  transmission  and  the  rates  are  double  the
      ordinary rates. The word “Urgent” must be included as the first w ord in the add­
      ress and charged for. The minimum charge is as for seven w ords.
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