Page 261 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 261


                      Telegrams (Overseas), contd.
   Letter Telegrams
     The letter telegram services (l,T) provide facilities at half the rate for ordinary
   telegrams for communications in plain language of a ten  thy though less urgent
   character than those provided by the ordinary or urgent services,  t he minimum
   charge is as for 22 words. Prefix LT is charged for as one word.
     "Letter Telegrams” are normally  delivered  during  the  day  following  the  day
   of handing in.
   Commonwealth Social Teleg-ams
     Commonwealth  social  telegrams  (GLT)  may  be  sent  to  most  places  in  the
   British  Commonwealth.  They  must  be  in  plain  language and  may  be  used  for
   greetings, family news or non-commercial personal alfairs.
     Commonwealth social telegrams are normally  delivered during the day  follow­
   ing  the day  of handing in.  They  should contain  the full  postal  address  of  the
   addressee. The only accessory service allowed is the prepaid reply.  The rates are
   one-half the ordinary rates based on a minimum of 11  words.  The prefix GLT  is
   counted  and  charged  for.  No  other  accessory  services  such  as  the  multiple
   address facility are admissible.
   Press Telegrams
     Press telegrams for publication in the newspapers may bi sent at reduced rates
   by authorised press correspondents only. The minimum charge for press telegrams
   is as for 10 words.
   Telegrams to Members of H.M. Army and R.A.F. abroad
     Tetegrams may be sent by means of any of the public services (ordianry. RLT or
   GLT)  which  may  be available to  the  address  concerned,  subject  to  the  usual
   conditions as regards charges, and so on.
     Telegrams ad ,'ressed to any of the "Forces " addresses are chargeable at current
     The  urgent  service at  double  the ordinary ra e is  available  for  the overseas
   transmission of telegrams to these "Forces" addresses, but urgent delivery facili­
   ties a: e not available.
     Telegrams addressed to members o'" the  Forces overseas are given telegraphic
   transmission  abroad  but  final  delivery  is  normally  effected  by  Service  postal
   Prc-paid Replies
     A reply may be pre-paid to the majority of overseas telegrams.
     When  prepayment  of a  reply  is  desired  the  sender should  write  the  letters
    = R P —followed by the amount to be prepaid, for example, =  RPS1.05 =   before

   the address. This prefix is counted and charged for as one word.
     A voucher is issued to the addressee by the office of delivery and is valid for a
   Period of three months for payment or partial payment of any telegram.
     If the reply-paid telegram cannot  be delivered to the addressee,  the value  of
   file voucher is refunded to the sender on application being made within a period
   °f four months.
     If the addressee does not use the voucher its value will be refunded to the sender
   "  he makes application and returns the voucher within a period of four months.
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