Page 283 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 283

               Money  Order  and  Postal  Order  Schedules,  contd.

                           Monej Ordci  Other
                             Scrvice  Services

         Country    Route     for   Money Order  -  Remarks
                            Maximum  amount   Single Order  Document handed  to remitter of  Heading

     Denmark      via London  $100  C  AP
      Islands     via London $100  C  AP, T
     Dominica     Direct   $  80  O   PO, T, AP
     Dubai           • *    * *  • *    ••    Sec United Arab Emi­
     Egypt Arab Re-
      public      via London $100 c   AP
     El Salvador  via London $  80  c  AP
      Guinea      via London $100 c   AP, T   London  remits  the
                                               order through Spain.
    Faroe Islands  via London $100 c  AP
    Fiji          via London $100  c  PO,T, AP
    France        via London $100 c  AP
      Monaco and

    French Guiana  ..  1  via  „ i
    French Polynesia  London  S100  c  AP, T  London  remits  the
                                               o r d e r  t h r o u g h
                                               France where an ad­
                                               ditional  commission
                                               is deducted.
    French West
      Indies       via
    Guadeloupe    / London  5100  c  AP, T    London  remits  the
    Martinique                                 o r d e r  t h r o u g h
                                               France where an ad­
                                               ditional  commission
                                               is deducted.
    Gabon Republic  ria London $100  c  AP   London  remits  the
                                              o r d e r  t h r o u g h
                                              France where an ad­
                                              ditional  commission
                                              is deducted.
    Gambia, The  .. '  da London $100  c  PO.T, AP
    German  Federal
     (including the
     West Berlin)  . . v  ia London $100  c  AP
                 Via London $100  c  T, AP
    Ghana      *' \   ia London $100  c  PO, AP
    Gibraltar   _ _    ia London $80  c  PO, AP  British  Postal  Orders
    Gilbert Islands  ‘  \
                                              arc  paid  but  not  is­
                               1              sued.
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