Page 209 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 209


                Overseas  Post:  Fore inn  Countries, contil.
   PAKISTAN,  could.
     Address:  See under Letter Post.
     Insurance:  The insurance service is not available to the following places:—
   Bela             Land  Kamar   Ormara       Spinwam
   Chhellar         Liari          Rawatsar    Tenai

   Dhandi           Miani  Beach   Shakardara  Thathi Nasratti
    Kaloi           Molviabad     Sonmiani      Uthal
     Duplicate documents:  Senders  of commercial  parcels  should  forward  by  air
    mail  directly to the addressees in Pakistan, duplicates of all necessary documents,
    for example, (I) clear customs declaration, (2) ccrtifcatc of origin and (3) invoice
    show ing separately, the value of each item enclosed in the parcel.
     Compensation  is  not  payable for damage to porcelain,  glass ware and other
    exceptionally fragile articles.
    PANAMA (Republic of)
     Letter Post
       Surface   \
       Air Mail   / See Schedules of Letter Rates.
     Dutiable  articles may  b; sen:  by small  packet  post—up to  S100  green  label
    required;  thereafter  top  green  label  and  form  C2/CP3.
     Items  subject  to  customs  duly arc  not accepted  in  ordinary  and  registered
     Scrums, vaccines and  urgently  required medicaments are admitted in all cases.
     Items of value (e.g. coins, currency  notes,  gold etc.) arc not admitted  in re­
    gistered letters.
     Insurance: No Service.
     Prohibitions:  Lottery tickets, fatty substances, liquids,  plants.
     Pared Post
       Surface   \
       Air       /See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.

     Customs declarations:  1  form C2/CP3 and  1  despatch note CP2.
     Insurance: No Service.
     Prohibitions: Letters, fatty substances, liquids or easily liquefiable substances,
    PANAMA CANAL ZONE—Sec Canal Zone  U.S. Territory
    PAPUA NEW GUINEA—incorporates Admiralty Islands, Duke of York Islands,
                                Lovangai,  New  Britain,  New  Ireland,
                                Bougainville and Buka  Islands.
     Letter Post
       Surface   1
       Air Mail   /  See Schedules of Letter Rates.
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