Page 206 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 206


                     Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, contd.

       NIGER  REPUBLIC,  contd.
         Restrictions:  Arms,  including air-guns;  books and  printed  matter  in  Arabic;
       mineral w. ters;  preserved  plums, sardines and vegetables; saccharin and similar
       substances; spirits.
         Delivery:  Parcels arc not  delivered  and  may  be  claimed  from  the  following
       Agadez            Ficinque     Main:-Soroa  Tahoua
       Bilma             Gaya         Mr. rad i    Tanout
       Birni             Gourc        N’Guiqmi     Tcra
       Dakcro            Madaoua      Niamey  R.P.  Tessaoua
       Doqonc'outchi                  Ourllam      Tillabcry
       Dcsso             Magaria      Say          Zindcr

         Letter Post
          Surface   \
           Air Mail   / See Schedules of Letter Rates.
         Dutiable  articles  may he  sent  ty  letter  and  smaM  packet  post—up  to  S100
       green  Intel required; thereafter top green label end feint C2.CP3.
         Insurance:  No Service.
         Prohibitions:  Blank  invoice  forms;  documents  of monetary  value  (cheques,
       money  orders,  etc.)  except  in registered  letters;  tobacco,  cigars,  cigarettes and
       snuff, except genuine samples or for the private use of the addressee.
         Restrictions:  Bees, dyes; plants and parts of plants.
         Parcel Post:  Same as Australia.
       NORTHERN  IRELAND—See Great  Britian
         Letter Post
           Surface   \
           Air Mail   /See Schedules of Letter Rates.
         Dutiable  articles  may he  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  $100
       green label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
         Insurance:  Limit S8C0
         Prohibitions:  Coupons  relating  to  football  pools  other  than  those  of Nor-
       vcgian origin; radio-active matter, butane gas lighters and re.'ills.
         Restrictions:  Calendars and  pharmaceutical  preparations,  films, coins, bank­
       notes, securities.
         Parcel Post
           Air       /See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
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