Page 211 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 211

1                                   POST  OFFICE  GUIDE   211

               Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, contd.
    PARAGUAY,  contd.
     Prohibitions: Letters, lottery tickets.

     Restrictions: Arms, foodstuffs, fruit and seeds, narcotics.
     Delivery: Parcels arc not delivered.

     Letter Post
      Surface   I
      Air Mail   J See Schedules of Letter Rates.
     Dmioble  articles may be sent  by  small  packet  post—up  to  SI00  green  label
   required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
     Items  subject  to  customs  duty  arc  not  accepted  in  ordinary  and  registered
   letters.  Serums, vaccines and  urgency required  medicaments arc admitted  in  all

     Items of value  (c.g.  coins,  currency  notes,  gold  etc.) are not  admitted  in  re­
   gistered letters.
     Insurance: No Service.
     Prohibitions: Samples of cigars, cigarettes and tobacco; foodstuff, bank-notes,
   coins,  documents  payable  to  bearer;  platinum,  gold  or  silver  whether  manu­
   factured or not; precious stones, jewels and other precious objects; playing cards,
   pornographic publications.
     Restrictions:  Pharmaceutical  specialities,  cosmetics,  salt,  wines  and  spirits,
   cigarettes, playing cards, tobacco,  narcotics,  used clothing.

     Parcel Post
      Surface:   1 See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post  Rates.
      Air:    /N o Service.
     Customs  declarations:  1 form  C2/CP3  and  1 despatch  note  CP2  written  in

   French or Spanish and English.
     Insurance: No Service.
    Prohibitions:  Letters; arms and  parts  thereof: cigars, cigarettes and  tobacco,
   foodstuffs,  worn  clothing,  unless  accompanied  by  a  certificate  of  disinfection
   from  a  competent  authority  and  authenticated  by a  Peruvian consular  officer;
   playing cards; pornographic publications.

    Restrictions:  Pharmaceutical  specialities;  cosmetics,  plants,  parts  of  plants,
   bulbs, seeds and so on; saccharin, wines and spirits, playing cards, salt, tobacco,
    Invoice: 4 copies of a  commercial  invoice and a  Peruvian consular invoice are
   required for each parcel valued at 50 or more U.S. dollars.
    Delivery: Parcels are not delivered.
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