Page 210 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 210


                  Overseas  Post:  Foreign Countries, could.
     PAPUA NEW GUINEA—incorporates Admiralty Islards. Duke of York Is’and,
                                  Lovangai.  Nc.v  Britain,  New  Ireland,
                                  Bougainville,  Buka  Islands,  tonld.
       Dutiable  articles  may be sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  S100
     green label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
       Insurance: No Service.
       Prohibitions: Documents of monetary value (cheques, money orders and so on)
     except  in  registered letters;  spirits;  false money;  used or adulterated  tea, spring
     knives, playing cards, hair dye, shampoo.
       Restrictions:  Arms,  bees;  dyes;  plants  and  parts  of  plants,  including  fruit;
      blank  invoice forms,  used clothing,  tobacco, cigars and cigarettes, snuff.
       Pared Post
         Surface   1
         Air        St: Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.

       Customs declarations:  1  Yellow form CP3.
       Insurance: Na Service.
       Prohibitions: Letters, spirits; confectionery containing spirits.
       Restrictions:  Arms;  bees,  cinematograph  films  and  advertisements  relating
     thereto; dyes;  plants and parts of  plants,  including fruits;  vaccines, serums and
     viruses; tinned meats,  blank  invoice forms, tobacco, snuff, cigars and cigarettes.
       Compensation is not  payable.

       Letter Post
         Surface   \
         Air Mail   / See Schedules of Letter Rates.

       Dutiable  articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  SIOO
     green  label  written  in  French  or Spanish  and  English  required;  thereafter  top
     green label  and  form  C2/CP3.
       Items of value (e.g.  coins, currency  notes,  gold  etc.)  arc  not  admitted  in  re­
     gistered letters.
       Insurance: No Service.
       Prohibitions:  Bar.k-notes, currency notes and all documents payable to bearer.
       Restrictions: See inder parcel posr.
       Pared Post
        Surface   \
        Air       / See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel  Post Rates.
       Customs  declarations:  2  forms  C2'CP3  and  1  despatch  note  CP2  written
     in  Spanish or French and English.
       Insurance: No Service.
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