Page 208 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 208


                  Oversells Post:  Foreign  Countries, could.
     OMAN  (Sultanate of) could.
       Compensation  is not  payable  for ordinary parcels lost, stolen or damaged.
       Packing:  Parcels should be strongly packed.
       Letter Post
        Surface   \
        Air Mail   /See Schedule of Letter Rates
       Dutiable  articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  SI00
     green  label required; (the customs declaration must be  securely  attached  to  the
     outside of the packet); thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
       Items  of value  (c.g.  coins, currency  notes,  gold  etc.)  arc  not  admitted  in re­
     gistered letters.
       Insurance:  Limit S4-40.  The service is not available to those places shown under
     Parcel Post.
       Prohibitions:  Arms,  currency  notes,  celluloid  and  articles  wholly  or  partly
     made of celluloid, dangerous drugs, literature relating to and tickets for lotteries.
     Account  and manuscript  books, advertising matter (with  the exception of trade
     catalogues and circulars) almanacs, cards in general, labels, photographs, picture
     books  printed,  forms  and  works  of  art  are  prohibited  from  importation  by
     printed paper post when sent as merchandise: plants, wireless apparatus.
       Restrict ions:  Silver bullion and silver sheets and plates; Bank-notes, coin and
     currency notes.
      Address:  Registered and insured packets addressed to post-box numbers only,
     that is, without the actual address of the addressee arc inadmissible.
      Parcel Post
        Surface   \
        Air       /See Schedule of Oversea Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
      Insurance:  Limit S750.
       Customs declarations:  2 forms C2/CP3 and  1  despatch note CP2.
      Prohibitions:  Letters,  except  one  for  the  addressee;  coffee  plants,  seeds  or
     beans  (except roasted beans); cotton  and woollen  piece-goods,  arms  and  parts
     thereof;  munitions;  bronze  or  copper coins;  charged  butane  gas  lighters  and
     refills;  labels  or  woven  goods  bearing  designs  in  imitation  of  paper  money;
     quinine coloured pink; sulphur; tickets for lotteries.
       Restrictions:  Potatoes and seeds, gold and silver bullion and silver sheets and
     plates; plants and parts of plants; wireless transmitting apparatus.
      Import  Licence:  A  licence,  to  be  obtained  by  the  addressee  in  advance,  is
     required for importation into Pakistan  by post of almost all goods.  Senders are
     advised to confirm before posting a parcel that the licence, when it is necessary,
     has been obtained by the addressee.
      Gift  Parcels:  Import  licences  arc  not  required  for  gift  parcels  of  books,
     magazines, journals  and  medicines,  or  for gift  parcels  for  foreign  nationals  of
     other  goods  excluding  textiles  (not  made-up  garments),  imitation  jewellery,
     watches and watch bands, fountain pens, cameras and radio sets up to a value of
     300 rupees a year.
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