Page 204 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 204


                    Overseas  Post:  Foreign Coun'ries  could.

     NICARAGUA,  could.
       Prohibitions:  Letters; firearms except  under permit; petrol  lighters;  telegraph
     apparatus.  Communist  material  or literature  is liable  to confiscation; weapons.
       Restrictions: Cigars, cigarettes.
       Invoice: Four copies of a Commercial invoice made out in Spanish, countcrsig.
     ned by a Nicaraguan Consul arc required. The original must be sent in the parcel
     and a note to that effect made on the wrapper.
       Letter Post
        Surface   \
        Air Mail   / Sec Schedules of Letter  Rates.
       Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet  post—up to S100 green
     label required; thereafter top green label and form C2 CP3.
       Insurance: Limit SI20.
       Prohibitions:  Air  mail  photographic  printing  paper;  alcohol;  any  negotiable
     instrument  payable  to  bearer unless  by  registered  post;  articles  of a  fraudulent
     nature; bank-notes; coin; currency notes except from a bank and addressed toa
     bank  in Nigeria:  geld and silver in manufactured state;  living creatures; lottery
     circulars, betting circulars, advertisements concerning an illegal business, fortune-
     telling advertisements; coupons relating to football pools.
       See also under  Parcel  Post
       Restrictions:  Bees,  leeches  and  silkworms  conveyed  in  specially  constructed
     boxes;  penicillin,  streptomycin  and  similar  substances  except  under  licence;
     precious stones  and  manufactured  gold,  platinum  or silver are admitted  if not
     more than S10 in value: medicines including proprietary preparations, advertise­
     ments relating to the treatment of venereal diseases.
       Import Licences arc required for a number of articles (other than those contain­
     ed in bona fide gift parcels).
       Parcel Post
        Surface   \
        Air      j Sec Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
       Customs declarations: 1 Yellow form CP3.
       Insurance: Limit SI2.
       Prohibitions: Let ers, except one for the addressee; alcohol; all types of earth:
     aphrodisiac materials;  arms  including shot-guns;  caps and  metal  cartridges for
     firearms; ccunterfcit coin or currency of any country, distilling apparatus or pad
     thereof, except under licence; matches; living creatures; parts of incxplosivc artil*
     lery-fuses;  seeds;  vegetable  material  of  all  types  including  cuttings;  used  tea
     leaves, brushes of Japanese origin.
       Restrictions: Goods which bear design in imitation of any currency, bank-note*
     or coins in current use in Nigeria or elsewhere, except books and teaching materia1
     for schools, machines for duplicating keys except under licence from the Inspect^
     General  of Police,  Lagos;  parasites and destroyers of harmful  insects  imported
     for the control  of such  insects arc admitted conditionally;  medicines  including
     proprietary  preparations  arc  admissible  under  licence;  penicillin,  streptomyC'J*
     and  similar  substances except  under  licence;  plants,  produce and  seeds of a0*1    .
     tropical  country;  uniforms,  unless addressed  to  persons  entitled  to  wear the®**   I
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