Page 203 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 203


                  Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, could.

    NEW ZEALAND,  could.
     Customs declaration:  1 Yellow form CP3.

     Insurance: Limit S103.
     Prohibitions:  Letters;  drugs  except  under  permit,  radio-active  substances
    brushes  of  Asian  origin,  indecent  and  obscene  ariicles,  cooking  utensils  lined
    with had, goods produced by prison labour, therapeutic apparatuses.
     Restrictions  Firearms,  bees and  bee-keeping  appliances;  bulbs,  fruit,  plants
    and seeds  grain and grain, by-products and any plant product in a form suitable
    for feeding to stock:  all  meat  products;  coins  dangerous drugs;  second-hand
    clothing,  except  gifts  for  personal  use;  skins;  feathers  or  eggs  of  birds;  toilet
    articles made of animal hair; veterinary biolcgics, coil'cc.
     Import  licences arc required for most gooes,  bona fide gifts up  to S40 in value
    arc exempted;  goods which do not  exceed  S-0 in  valre for cich  parcel,  for the
    importer’s own domestic use, and not intended for sale or business, or for use in
    trade, calling or profession of the importer.

     Coupe isation is not  payable  fer  uninsured  parcels  containing liquids,  semi-
    liquids, perishable or fragile articles.
    NEW ZEALAND ISLAND TERRITORIES (C'cok  Islands,  namely Rarotonga
       (as for  New  Zealand)       Mangaia  Atiu,  Aitutaki,  Mitiare,
                                    Manukc (Parry) and Hcrvey(Man-
                                    uac);   also   Palmerston,   Niue
                                    Danger,  R ’kahango  Maniiiiki,
                                    Pcnrhyn  and  Suwarrcw,  Tokelau
                                    (Union)  G:oup  Atafu,  Fakaofo
                                    and Nukunono).
     Letter Post
       Surface   ) See Schedule; of Letter Rates.
       Air Mail   /
     Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and sm  II packet post—u a to S100 g-een
    label written in Spanish and English required; thereafter top green label and form
     Insurance:   No  Service.
     Prohibitims: Bulk-notes,coin, gold, silver aid platinum, com nenist material
    0r literature, lottery tickets.
     Restrictions: Pharmaceutical preparations, worn clothing.
     Parcel Post
     Surface:  Sec Schedule of Overacas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
     Air:   No Service.
    <  Customs  decl rations:  1  form  C2/CP3  and  1  despatch  note  CP2  written  in
    ‘•Puni.shand English.
     Insurance: No  Service.
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