Page 207 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 207


                   Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, contd.

     NORWAY,  cruel.
       Customs declarations:  I form C2/CP3 an d 1despatch note CP2.

       Insurance:  Limit S800
       Prohibitions:  Letters; coupons relating  to  football  pools  other than  those of
     Norwegian origin; radio-active matter;  butane gas lighters and refills, used bags,
     hair not made up, munitions.
       Restrictions:  Arms and parts thereof: bees and honeycombs; calendars; films;
     pharmaceutical  preparations;  potatoes,  seeds  and  bulbs;  wines  and  spirits;
     wireless sets and parts thereof; butter; coffee; meat products, narcotics.

       invoice:  An invoice in duplicate is compulsory for the clearance of all commer­
     cial parcels.
     OMAN (Sultanate of)
       Letter Post
        Surface   1
        Air Mail   /  Sec Schedules of Letter Rates.
       Dutiable  articles  may be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  S10D
     green label  required;  thereafter  top  green  label  and  form  C2/CP3.
       Items subject  to customs duty are not accepted in ordinary letters.
       Insurance:  Limit S440.
       Prohibitions:  Radio-active substances, alcoholic beverages,  arms and ammu­
     nition  (or  parts  thereof);  charged  butane  gas lighters  and  rc' Ils  (uncharged
     lighters  are admitted);  cultured,  imitation,  artificial  or  bleached  pearls,  items
     containing  currency  notes,  bank-notes  securities  and  documents  payable  to
     bearer arc not admitted if the value exceed 100 Rupees.
       Restrictions:  Drugs, spirits.
       Address:  The correct  postal address is Sultanate of  OMAN.  No other geo­
     graphical description must be added.
       Parcel Post
        Surface    \
        Air        /See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
       Customs declarations:  1 Yellow form  CP3.
       Insurance:  Limit S440.
       Prohibitions:  Letters, except one for the addressee; alcoholic beverages, arms
     and  ammunition  (or  parts  thereof);  charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  re  11s;
     cultured, imitation, arti.icial and bleached pearls, items containing currency notes,
     bank-notes, securities and documents payable to  bearer arc  not  admitted  if the
     value exceeds 103 Rupees.
       Restrictions:  Drugs, spirits.

       Address:  Sec under letter  post
       Delivery:  Parcels are not delivered
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