Page 198 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 198


                     Overseas Post: Foreign Countries, contd.

       MOROCCO, contd.
        Prohibitions:  Letters; absinthe, arm-, ammunition,  denatured alcohol, certain
       alcoholic appetizers; charged butane gas  lighters and refills;  (uncharged lighters
       arc admitted  and  should  be declared  as such  on the customs  declaration  form
       C2/CP3); counterfeit Moroccan coins and medals  lottery  tickets and advertise*
       ments (except  those connected  with  Moroccan  Government  lotteries); seditious
       literature;  spirits;  adulterated  food  and  drink,  radio-active  materials.
        Restrictions:  Tobacco  in  any  form;  bees  and  leeches,  opium, morphine and
       cocaine, plants and parts thereof, raw  skins, weights and measures, wireless sets.
       Import licences are required for all commercial parcels.
        Letter Post
          Surface  \
          Air Mail/    See Schedules of Lettc  Rates.

        Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet post—up to S100 green
       label written in French  or Portuguese and English required;  thereafter top  green
       label and form C2/CP3.  Packets must also be conspicuously  marked En Douane.
        Insurance.  No Service.
        Prohibitions: Ammunition, butane gas lighters and refills, tobacco.
        Restrictions:  Medicines, arms, ammunitions.
        Customs duty: Books are liable to customs duty.
        Parcel Post
          Surface  \
          Air   /    See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
        Custom  declarations:  1  form  C2/CP3  and  1  despatch  note  CP2  written in
       French or Portuguese and English.
        Insurance:  No Service.
        Prohibitions:  Butane gas lighters and refills; letters; narcotics.
        Restrictions: Arms, medicines, plants, saccharin and similar substances.
       MUSCAT—See Oman Sultanate of
      NAMIBIA—As for South Africa
        Letter Post
          Surface  \
          Air Mail /    Sec Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet post—up to S100 S ^ 0
      label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
        Insurance: No Service.
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