Page 196 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 196


                   Overseas Post: Foreign Countries, conld.

      Letter Post
        Surface  1
        Air  Mail /   See Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small  packet post—up to S100 green
    label required;  thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
      Items  of value (c.g.  coins,  currency notes,  gold etc.)  arc not admitted in re­
    gistered letters.
      Insurance:  No Service.
      Prohibitions:  Arms, ammunition,  weapons,  bank-notes and securities payable
    to bearer; toilet preparations; medicines and vaccines, for the treatment of foot-
    and-mouth disease,  bees, confectionery and preserve containing chocolate,  babies
    comforters, lottery tickets.

      Restrictions:  Advertising  matter,  calendars  and  loose  leaf catalogues;  medi­
    cines, plants and seeds; radio-active materials, cigar and boxes of cigarettes must
    bear  Mexican  revenue  stamps  affixed  by  the  makers  and  obtainable  from the
    Ministry of Finance,  Mexico.
      Import Licence is required for the importation of many classes of goods.
      Parcel  Post
       Surface  1    Sec Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air  Parcel Post Rates
       Air    /
      Customs declaration:  1 Yellow  form  CP3  written  in  Spanish  or  French and

      Insurance: No Service.
      Prohibitions:  Letters;  Comforters,  coins,  fruit:  tinned  meat;  vaccines  and
    medicines for the treatment of foot-and-mouth disease,  narcotics, lottery tickets.

      Restrictions: Arms; cosmetics, insects, medicines; plants, seeds and vegetables;
    radio-active materials. Cigars and boxes of cigarettes must bear Mexican revenue
    stamps  affixed  by  the  makers  and  obtainable  from  the  Ministry  of  Finance,
      Gift Parcels: Import licences are required for parcels valued at more than 200
    Mexican  pesos and gifts must  not  be sent  unless the addressee has obtained the
    necessary import permit, and is willing to pay customs duties and other charges.
    Import licence is required for the importation of many classes of goods.
      Invoice: A commercial  invoice in triplicate is required  for each  parcel  exceed­
    ing a value of 1000 Mexican pesos.  This must  be  inserted  in  the parcel  and tbe
    wrapper of the parcel should be so noted. A consular visa is not required.
      Compensation is not payable.
    MINORCA—See Balearic Islands.
    MONACO—Same as France.
    MONGOLIA—INNER-Samc as China (Peoples Republic of)
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