Page 193 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 193

p o s t  o f f ic e  g u id e   193

                   Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, contil.

      I.etter Post
        Surface   \
        Air Mail   ' See Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Dutiable articles may be sent by letter (except insured) and small packet post—
     up to SI00 green label required; thereafter top green  label  and  form  C2/CP3.
      Insurance:  Limit S800.
      Prohibitions:  Charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills (uncharged lighters  arc
     admitted); coins,  gold, jewellery,  platinum,  precious stones and  silver;  football
     pool coupons, flick and gravity knives and flick guns.

      Restrictions:  Sec  parcel  post
      Parcel Po.t
        Surface   l  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel  Post Rates.
        Air       /
      Customs declaration:  1Yellow form CP3.

      Insurance:  I imit SSOO.
      Prohibitions:  Letters, except one for the addressee; arms except under permit;
     contraceptives;  football  pool  coupons,  flick  and  gravity knives  and  flick  guns,
     shaving brushes from Japan, plants.
      Restrictions:  Butane gas lighters and refills arc admitted provided that the flint
     is removed from the lighter and sent separately, narcotics, weapons.
      Insurance:  Any  insured  parcel  which cann  t  be delivered  to the addressee  in
     Malta will  be returned  as an  ordinary uninsured parcel.
      Compensation  is not  payable  for  ordinary parcels,  lost,  stolen  or  damaged.

      Letter Post
        Surface   \
        Air Mail   /   See Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet  post—up to S100 green
     label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
      Insurance:  No Service.
      General conditions:  Same as U.S.A.

      Parcel Post
        Surface:  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
        Air:  No Service.
      Insurance:  No Service.
      Customs declaration:  1 Yellow form CP3.
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