Page 190 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 190


                     Overseas Post: Foreign Countries, could.
         MALAGASY  REPUBLIC including  Stc.  Marie  and  Nossi-Bc, conld.

        Customs  declarations:  2  forms  C2/CP3  and  1 despatch  note  CP2  written in
      French and English.
        Insurance:  No Service.
        Prohibitions:  Letters;  contraceptives,  charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills
      (uncharged lighters arc admitted and should  lie declared as such on the customs
      declaration form C2/CP3);  saccharin;  spirits, tobacco, cigarettes  and cigars sent
      to  private individuals, radio-active materials.
        Restrictions:  Arms and ammunition, tube feeding bottles; dummies and teats,
      medicaments, narcotics.
       Seating:  Parcels should be scaled with a distinctive device.

        Delivery charges:  Additional charges for conveyance from the port of landing
      arc collected from the addressees.
       Delivery:  Parcels arc not delivered.

       Letter Post
         Surface   1
         Air Mail   See Schedules of Letter Rates.

       Dutiable  articles  may  be  sent by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  SIOO
      green  label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
       Insurance:  No Service.
       Prohibitions:  Charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters are
      admitted); arms, radio-active substances.
       Restrictions:  Drugs and medicines.
       Parcel Post
         Su  face   \
         Air       f See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
       Customs declaration:  I Yellow form CP3.
       Insurance:  No Service.
       Prohibitions:  Letters, aphrodisiacs, articles produced by prison labour,  charg­
     ed  butane gas lighters and refills (uncharged lightersarc admitted): honey, trade
     spirits, radio-active substances.
       Restrictions:  Firearms,  medicines  and  drugs;  ostrich  feathers;  plants,  roots,
     seeds and bulbs; viruses, vaccines and serums.
       The name  and  formula or composition  of all  medicines  must  be boldly indi­
     cated in English on the container.

       Invoice:  It is recommended that invoices and certificates of be inserted
     in commercial parcels.
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