Page 187 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 187


                    Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, could.

     UBKRIA. could.
      Delivery: Parcels arc not delivered, except from certain ofliccs.

     LIBYA(Cyrcnaica, Tripolitania and the Fczzan)
      Filler Post
        Surface   \
        Air Mail   /See Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Dutiable  articles  may  be  sent  bylettcr  and  small  packet  post—up to  SI00
     green label  required;  thereafter top  green  label and form  C2/CP3  for  printed
     papers as well as letter posts items.
      Insurance: No Service.
      Prohibitions:  Charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters  arc
     admitted);  gold; jewellery,  platinum, precious stones, silver, paper money, coin
     and  negotiable  instruments  payable  to  bearer;  tobacco  in  any  form,  salt,  tea.
      Restrictions: Narcotics, scrums, chemical products,  plants, ammunition,  wea­
      Parcel Post
       Surface   1
        Air     /  See Schedule  of Overseas Surface and  Air  Parcel Post  Rates.
      Customs declarations: 1form C2/CP3 and I despatch notcCP2.

      Insurance:  No Service.
      Prohibitions:  Letters;  arms (except sporting guns) and  parts thereof; alcohol,
    currency,  gold  or  silver coins  or  bullion;  printed  matter,  designs or emblems
    contrary to public order; tobacco in any form, pork and pork products.
      Restrictions:  Opium,  morphine, cocaine  and  other  narcotics;  plants,  seeds;
    saccharin;  salt;  tea,  serums,  vaccines,  virus  and  similar  substances;  sporting
    guns; weights and measures.
      Import licences arc required for many classes of goods. Licences arc not required
    in respect of parcels up to SIC in value.
      Invoice:  Commercial  parcels  must  be  accompanied  by  an  invoice  and  a
    duplicate invoice dated and signed by the sender. They must be accompanied by  a
    certificate from the despatching firm that the contents are solely of a commercial
      Delivery: Parcels are not delivered.
    LIECI1TENSTE1N—See Switzerland.
    LI fHUANIA—Same as U.S.S.R.

      Letter Post
       Surface   \
       Air Mail   fSee Schedules of Letter Rates.
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