Page 182 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 182

                  Overseas Post:  Foreign Counlries, contd.
    KENYA, contd.
      Packing and marking:  Parcels  should  he  very  strongly  packed,  preferably in
    waterproof  material.  Those  containing  films  must  bear  a  white  label  boldly
    marked in black letters—FILMS.
      Delivery:  Parcels should  include a  Post  Office  Box or  Private  Bag number in
    the address. They are not delivered.
      Compensation is not payable for ordinary parcels lost, stolen or damaged.

      Letter Post
        Surface   l
        Air Mail   See Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Dutiable  articles  may  be  sent  by  registered  letter  post  to  the  Republic  of
    Korea (i.c. South) only—up to SKX) green label required; thereafter top green label
    and form C2 CP3.
      Insurance: No Service.
      Prohibitions: Bank-notes, coins, gold, silver, other precious metals and jewellery,
    articles and  machines used  for the  manufacture of tobacco; clothing;  narcotics;
    salt; seeds; toilet articles, charged butane gas lighters and  refills (uncharged light­
    ers are admitted); arms and parts thereof including toy imitations,  paper money or
    securities payable to bearer; cheques (except in registered letters).
      Restrictions: Cigarettes and tobacco. There are also restrictions on the import­
    ation of plants and vegetable products.
      Address: Correspondence should be addressed in the usual way, but the address
    should  be shown  also  in  Korean characters,  if known,  and  should  include the
    words  Democratic  Peoples  Republic  of  Korea  (i.c.  North)  or  the  Republic of
    Korea (i.c. South) as appropriate.
      Parcel Post (Parcels arc accepted  for the Republic of Korea  (i.c.  South  only).
      Surface: See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel  Post Rates.
      Air:   No Service.
      Customs declarations:  I  form C2/CP3 and  1  despatch note CP2.
      Insurance: No Service.
      Prohibitions:  Letters; coins, gold,  silver, other precious metals and jewellery;
    charged  butane gas  lighters  and  refills (uncharged  lighters arc admitted);  arms
    and  parts  thereof including  toy  imitations;  articles and  machines  used  for  the
     manufacture of tobacco; clothing (except  in gift  parcels); narcotics; salt; seeds;
     toilet articles, textile fabrics.
      Restrictions: Cigarettes and tobacco, plants and vegetable products.
      Marking: Parcels containing articles of celluloid must be boldly marked in red
     with the word Celluloid
      Gift parcels: The contents must  be limited to essential relief items; namely:—
      (a)  clothing,  medicines or similar articles;  or (b)  non-perishable  foodstuffs—
      Toys may  be  included. The parcel  and  the customs declaration form C2/CP3
      must be clearly marked "G ift Parcel, Unsolicited Gift.
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