Page 180 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 180


                      Overseas  Post:  Foreign  Countries,  contd.

        JORDAN, contd.
         Prohibitions:  Letters,  bank-notes,  precious  metals,  weapons,  ammunition,
        lotteries, shaving  brus :es  from Japan  and  Europe.
         Restrictions:  Arms,  alcoholic  liquors  and  plants.
         Packing:  Parcels must  be  packed  in  wood,  tin, canvas,  linen  or similar  ma­
        terial,  or  fibre-backed  paper.
         Import licence:  An import licence is required for the importation of all goods.

        KAMARAN  ISLAND—Sec  Southern  Yemen—People’s  Republic  of
         Letter Post
           Surface   l
           Air Mail   /  See Schedules of Letter Rales.
         Dutiable articles may be sent by small packet  post—up to S100 green label re­
        quired;  thereafter  top green  label  and  form  C2/CP3.
         Items  subject  to customs  duty  arc  not  accepted  in  ordinary  and  registered
        letters.  Serums,  vaccines and  urgently required  medicaments  arc  admitted in
       all cases.
         Items  of  value  (c.g.  coins,  currency  notes,  gold, etc.)  arc  not  admitted  in
        ordinary and registered letters.
         Insurance:  No Service.
         Prohibitions:  Charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters are
        admitted); current coin,  platinum, gold or silver, precious stones, jewellery.
         Parcel Post
           Surface:  Sec Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
           Air: No Service.

         Customs declarations:  1  form C2/CP3 and  1 despatch note CP2.
         Insurance:  No Service.
         Prohibitions:  Charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters are
       admitted and should be declared as such on the customs declaration form); cigar­
       ettes,  contraceptives;  vegetable conserves, garlic and shallots, fruit and fruit con­
       serves, saccharin and similar substances.
         Restrictions: Arms, medicines; weights and measures.
         Import licences: An import licence is required for all commercial parcels.
         Places for which parcels may be accepted:—
                Hanam             Kompongtrach    Snoul
                Battambang        Kratie          Stungtrang
                Kampot            Mimot           Suong
                Kompongcham       Phnom-Penh      Svayricng
                Kampongchnang    Preyveng         Takeo
                Kompongspeu       Pursat
                Kompongthom      Siemrep-Angkor
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