Page 178 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 178


                   Overseas  Post:  Foreign  Countries,  contd.

     ITALY, could.
       Address:  If  the  postcode  is  known  it  should  be  written  to  the  left-hand  side
     of the country post town
       Letter Post
         Surface   I
         Air Mail   1See Schedules of Letter Rates.

       Insurance:  No  Service.
       Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet post-up to SI00 green
     label written in French and English required; thereafter top green label and form
       Items subject  to customs duty  are  not  accepted  in  ordinary  letters.
       Prohibition::  Charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills (uncharged  lighters  arc
     admitted).  Uncut  diamonds,  radio-active  materials,  war materials, equipment
     for minting coins.
       Restrictions:  Books  and  printed  matter  in  Arabic,  plants,  gold  and  articles
     of gold,  saccharin.

       Parcel  Post
         Surface   \
         Air      'Sec  Schedule  of Overseas Surface  and  Air Parcel Post  Rates.
       Insurance:  No  Service.
       Customs  declarations:  4 forms C2/CP3  and  I  despatch  note  CP2  written  in
     French  and  English;  thereafter  top  green  label  and  form  C2/CP3.
       Prohibitions:  Letters,  charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills,  counters  re­
     sembling coins, weights and measures  not of the decimal system;  and,  in  addi­
     tion,  all  goods  bearing  indications  which  suggest  they  are of French  origin  or
     manufacture  when  they  are  not,  uncut  diamonds,  radio-active  materials,  war
     materials,  equipment  for minting coins.
       Restrictions:  Arms,  including air-guns;  books and  printed  matter  in Arabic,
     gramophone  records,  mineral  waters;  preserved  plums;  tinned  fish  and  vege­
     tables;  saccharin;  and  such  substances,  gold  and  articles  of gold,  poisonous
     substances,  narcotics,  alcohol  and  alcoholic  beverages.
       Delivery:  Parcels  are  not  delivcied.

     Letter  Post
         Surface   1
         Air Mail   /Sec  Schedules  of  Letter  Rates.
       Dutiable articles may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  S100
      green label  required;  thereafter  top  green  label  and  form  C2/CP3.
       Insurance:  No Service.
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