Page 173 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 173


                 Overseas  Post:  Foreign  Countries,  could.

   INDONESIA, (Islands  of Bali  Banka,  Billiton, Celebes, Java,  Moluccas,  Rhio.
              Sumatra, Timor, could.

     Prohibitions: Absinth and similar beverages, letters,  charged butane gas  lighters
   and refills; drugs and similar substances; gold and  silverware; fountain pens  and
   pencil  holders ornamented w'ith  precious metals;  leather goods:  coffee essences
   and colfce substitutes;  raw celluloid and articles  made of celluloid,  inflammable
    films,  currency notes, linen clothing,  natural silk  and  fabrics,  printed  matter  in
   Chinese characters and language, narcotics.
     Restrictions: Firearms and parts thereof; plants and  parts of plants  (including
    fruit, seeds and potatoes), drugs and similar substances, weapons,  lottery  tickets,
    uniforms, white lead.
     Marking: Parcels containing films and articles made of celluloid must  be  clear­
    ly  marked  on  the  customs  declaration  form  C2/CP3  or  green  label
   "Celluloid-keep away from fire”,
     Import licences: An import licence is required for the importation of all  goods.
     Gift Parcels: Both the parcel and the customs  declaration form C2/CP3  must
    be clearly marked “Gift Parcel. For the personal use of the addressee."

     Letter  Post
      Surface   \
       Air  Mail   / Sec Schedules of Letter Rates.
     Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet post—up to SI 00 green
    label  written  in  French  and  English  required;  thereafter  top  green  label and
    form C2/CP3.
     Items of value (e.g. coins, currency notes, gold etc.) are not admitted in  regis­
    tered letters.
     Insurance:  No Service.
     Prohibitions:  Bank-notes of the National  Bank of Iran, and  bearer securities,
    butane  gas  lighters,  coin,  gold,  jewellery,  platinum,  precious  stones,  silver.
    The  importation  of a wide range of general merchandise  is prohibited.  Senders
    should  ascertain   before  posting  whether  the  contents  are  admissible.
     Address:  block  capitals  must  be  used.
     Parcel  Post
      Surface   1
      Air      (See  Schedule  of Overseas Surface and  Air Parcel  Post  Rates.
     Insurance:  No  Service.

     Customs declarations: 2 forms C2/CP3 and  1 despatch note CP2.  The  decla­
    ration forms must  be completed  in  block capitals.
     Prohibitions:  Letters,  bank-notes of the  National  Bank  of Iran, coin,  bearer
    securities, butane gas lighters and refills; firearms of every kind including  sport­
    ing guns;  narcotics.  The  importation  of a wide range  of general  merchandise
    15Prohibited.  Senders  should ascertain  before  posting  whether  the  contents

    are  admissible.
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