Page 168 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 168


                    Overseas  Post:  Foreign  Countries,  contil.

       HONDURAS (Republic of), could.
        Advice of despatch:  it is advisable to notify the addressee by letter post that a
       parcel has been sent,  so that he may  keep in touch with the local  Examiner of
       Postal Farce's.
        The  words  HONDURAS  REPUBLIC (in block capitals) must be  included in
       the address.
       HONG KONG
        Letter Post
          Surface   \  See Schedules of Letter Rates.
          Air Mail   /
        Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet  post—up to SI00green
       label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
        Insurance:  Limit S200.
        Prohibitions:  Lottery  tickets  and  football  pool  coupons,  bank-notes,  paper
       money,  bonds  payable  to  bearer,  coin.  Gold  or silver  bullion,  articles of gold,
       silver or platinum, jewellery, precious stones, except in insured letters.
        Restrictions:  Drugs.
        Import  licence:  A  licence,  to  be obtained  by  the addressees  in  advance,  is
       required for importation into Hong Kong of certain goods.
        Parcel Post
          Surface   \  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
          Air      /
        Customs declaration:  1 Yellow form CP3.
        Insurance:  Limit S200
        Prohibitions:  Coin, drugs or similar substances unless sent to a recognized or
       agreed  institution, gold or silver bullion;  intoxicants;  lottery tickets and football
       pool coupons.
        Restrictions:  Drugs,  wireless  transmitting  apparatus  and  parts  thereof;  fire­
       arms (including toy pistols) and  parts  thereof;  watches and chronometers,  rice,
       sugar, codec.
        Import licence:  See paragraph under L etter Post
        Letter Post
          Surface   \  Sec Schedules of Letter Rates.
          Air Mail
        Dutiable articles may be sent by letter (except insured letter) and small  packet
       post—up to SI00 to green label required; thereafter top green  label and formC2/
        Insurance:  Limit SS00.
        Prohibitions:  Narcotics.  For other prohibitions see under  Parcel Post.
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