Page 170 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 170


                     Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, could.

      ICELAND, could.
      Insurance:  No Scrvice.
      Dutiable  articles  may be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  past—up  to  $100
     green label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
      Prohibit ions:  Decs, silkworms.  See also under parcel  post.
      Import  licences:  A  licence,  to be  obtained by  the  addressee  in  advance,  is
     required for the importation of most goods.
     Invoice:  Dutiable items must be accompanied by a detailed invoice, in duplicate.
      Parcel Post
        Surface   \  Sec Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
        Air       ]
      Insurance: No Service.
      Customs declarations: 2 forms C2/CP3 and I despatch note CP2.
      Prohibitions:  Lctteis; charged  butane  gas lighters and  rcllls,  hay and straw,
     leaden toys, untanned furs and skins, used sacks, used clothing, rag-..
      Restrictions:  Ammunition,  alcoholic liquors; proprietary  medicines,  dried  or
     preserved milk, narcotics, tobacco, wool.
      Import licences and Invoices . See under LETTER post.

      Letter Post
        Surface   \
        Air Mail   /  See Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by small  packet  post—up  to  SI00 green  label
     required;  thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
      Items  subject  to  customs duty arc  not  accepted  in  ordinary and  registered
     letters. Serums, vaccines and urgently  required  medicaments  are  admitted in ail
      Items of value (c.g. coins, currency notes,  gold,  etc.) arc not admitted in ordin­
     ary and registered lctteis.
      Insurance: Limit S-MO.
      Prohibitions: Ammunition and weapons, charged butane gas lighters and re ills;
    cotton  (including cotton waste),  gold, silver, or articles  made of gold  or silver,
     plants  and  pans of plants: celluloid  and  aniclcs  wholly  or partly  madcof cellu­
     loid, photographic lilms (non-inflammable  cinematograph films arc admitted by
     letter post provided that the p; ckets tear a label clearly marked in red  characters.
     " This  contains  Non inflammable  Films Only'')',  cut  flowers,  tobacco;  lottery
     tickets  and  circulars  pertaining  to  lotteries;  pearl  necklaces;  silk  and  artistic
     articles in silk, narcotics, account and manuscript books.
      Restrictions:  Chemicals,  cigars,  cigarettes,  confectionery,  currency  notes
     including  Indian  currency  notes;  diamonds,  (including  industrial  diamonds)
     and other precious stones; drugs and medicines,  fountain pens (with or  without
     gold  nibs  and  caps)  and  parts  thereof;  lead  and  propelling  pencils;  lighters;
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