Page 175 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 175


                    Overseas I’osl: Foreign Countries, contd.

      IRAQ, contd.

       Marking.  Parcels containing films or articles mauc of celluloid must be clearly
      .ilxrllcd Celluloid.
       Import licences arc required for many types of goods, and these should not  be
      despatched  until  the  necessary  licence  has  been  obtained  by  the addressee.

       Insurance:  List of places for which insured letters and parcels may be accepted
      Amara        Diwaniyah     Kcrballa       Mosul
      Bab-         Erbil         Khanaqin       Najaf
        \lsharki   Habbaniyah    Kirkuk
      It ighdad    Hillah                       Ramadi
      Basra        Kadhimiya     Kut            Sulaymaniya
       Compensation is  not  payable for damage to  parcels containing liquids  liquc
      liable  substances  or  glass  or  other  brittle  articles.


       I etter Post
         Surface   \
         Air Mail   Sec Schedules of Letter  Rates.
       Dutiable articles  may be sent by  letter and small packet post  up to S100 green
      iabel required: thereafter top green label and form C2'CP3.

       Insurance:  Limit $800
       Prohibitions:  As for Parcels  Post.
       Restrictions.  As for Parcels Post.

       Parcel Post
         Surface   \
         Air      Sec  Schedule of Overseas Surface and  Air  Parcel  Post Rates.

       Customs declaration:  I  Yellow form CPU
       Insurance:  Limit S8(X)

       Prohibitions: Letters, liquids and substances for analysis, etc. and pathological
      specimens,  arc admitted only by letter post  lottery  tickets,  contraceptives,  ar­
      ticles  bearing false  or  deceptive descriptions, imitation postage stamps, shaving
      brushes  made  in Japan,  tea  or tobacco  in  concentrated  form, preparations for
      prevention  of venereal  disease.
       R  t riel tons:  Air-raid precaution equipment, drugs,  narcotics, articles of gold
      or  elver  plate, celluloid  and  films,  seal  skins,  tyres  and  tubes,  foodstuff,  woven
      Piece goods.
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