Page 172 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 172


                     Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, contd.

       INDIA, could.
         Import Licence: A licence to be obtained by the addressee in advance is required
       for  importation  into  India  of  all  goods  except  hona fide  gifts for  private use
       w hich do not exceed  100 rupees in value.
         Packing and marking: Parcels containing cinematograph  or  photographic  films
       or articles  made  wholly  or partly of celluloid  must  be  labelled  “ Celluloid".
       Tobacco must be enclosed in airtight  containers and should be accompanied bya
       phy to-sanitary certificate stating that it is free from tobacco moth.
         Address:  1 he name  of the  province  in  which the  place of address  is situated
       should as far as possible,  be included  in the address.  See also under Letter Post.
         Parcels addressed to post-box numbers only,  that is, w ithout the actual  address
       of the addressee, are inadmissible. See also under Letter Post.
         Customs duly: Customs duty is levied in  India on  the full value of the articles
       sent, including postage, insurance, commission etc.

         Compensation  is  not  payable  for damage  to  porcelain,  glassware,  and other
       exceptionally fragile articles.

       INDONESIA (Islands of Bali, Banka, Billiton, Celebes, Java,  Moluccas, Rhio,
                  Sumatra, Timor)
         Letter Post
          Surface   l
          Air Mail   /  See Schedules of Letter Rates.
         Insurance: No Service.

         Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet post—up to SI00 green
       label required:  thereafter top green  label and form  C2/CP3.
         Articles subject  to  customs duty are not admitted in ordinary letters.  Serums,
       vaccines and urgently required medicaments arc permitted in all eases.
         Insurance: No Service.
         Prohibitions:  Charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills;  inflammable  films!
       raw  celluloid  and  articles  made  from  celluloid, absinthe and  similar bever­
       ages.  printed  matter in  Chinese characters and  language, currency  notes, linen
       clothing, natural silk, and fabrics, leather goods, narcotics.
         Restrictions: See under parcel  post
       Parcel Post
         Surface:  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
         Air: No Service.
         Customs declarations: 3 forms C2/CP3 and 1despatch  note CP2. A separate J**

       must be prepared for each parcel.
         Insurance: No Service.
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