Page 169 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 169


                  Overseas I’osl: Foreign Countries, contil.

     HUNGARY, could.
      Restrictions:  See  under  Parcel  Post.  Gifts  for  private  persons  sent  by  letter
    post are subject to the same conditions as gifts sent by parcel post.
      Parcel Post
        Surface   l
        Air     j   See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
      Insurance:  No Service.
      Customs declarations:  1form C2/CP3 and 1despatch note CP2.

      Prohibitions:  Letters:  charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills  (uncharged
     lighters arc admitted and should  be declared as such on the customs declaration
     form): wine  essence;  goods  in  scaled  tins  in  gift  parcels,  artificial  colouring
     matter,  contraceptives; narcotics, spice extracts.
      Restrictions:  Alcohol;  animal  products;  arms  and  ammunition;  foreign
     pi Mications and films; hearing aids; medicine and veterinary medicines; mineral
     waters: narcotics; pessaries; plants and parts of plants:  precious metals; tobacco
     products;  saccharin,  postage  stamps;  articles  containing  alcohol  or  nicotine;
     winc; cocoa beans, oranges, mandarins, perfumes.
      Gift  parcels:  Customs  duties  arc  payable.  The  parcels  may  contain  certain
     items only, and  in quantities which may not  exceed a specified amount annually.
     If sent to private individuals an import licence is not required.
      Gift  parcels  may  be  sent  without  import  licences  to  Institutions and  other
     charitable  organizations.  In  these  cases,  there  is  no  limit  to  the  quantity  of
     specified goods which may be sent.
      Medicine  may  be  included  in  gift  parcels  if it  is  sent  in  the  manufacturer's
     original packing. The addressee must show that he is in need of the quantity sent.
      Goods in hermetically sealed containers may not be included.
      Parcels addressed to the Hungarian Red Cross are exempt from customs duty.
      Detailed  list  of  the  contents,  preferably  written  in  Hungarian,  must  be  (a)
     attached  to  the customs  declaration form C2/CP3  and despatch  note  CP2  and
     (bj enclosed with the parcel.
      Ciift parcels which do not comply with Hungarian regulations are liable to be
     returned to senders at their expense.
      Commercial parcels may be subject to import  restrictions.  A  detailed invoice
     must be enclosed in each parcel.
      Certificate  of origin:  Certificates  of  origin  arc  required  for  many  articles.
      Despatch papers:  If an  import  licence is sent  with a  consignment of parcels
     it should  bccncloscdin  one of them;  andallthe  parcelsand  relative  despatch
     notes and customs declarations should show the Post  Office serial number of the
     parcel containing the licence.

      Letter Post
        Surface   \  Sec Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Air Mail
   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174