Page 181 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 181


                  Overseas Post: Foreign Countries, could.
      Fetter  Post
        Surface   \
        Air  Mail  /  See  Schedules  of Letter  Rates.
       Dutiable articles may be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  p  st—up  to  S100
     green label  required;  thereafter  top green  label  and  form  C2/CP3.

      Insurance:  Limit  S240.
       Prohibitions:  All  kinds  of a:r  guns,  safety,  toy  and  alarm  pistols,  and  parts
     thereof or  other  articles  having  the  appearance  of,  or  capable  of  conv  rsion
     into  lethal  weapons,  firearms  and  the  essential  parts  of  firearms  e.g.  barrels,
     all action,  bolts and  bolt-housings, safety  nuts,  firing  pins and springs,  triggers
     and springs, safety catches, stocks, ready or half cut and those magazines which
     are  fixed  to  the  action;  bank  and  currency  notes  except  in  registered  letters,
     coin unless for purposes of ornament; unmanufactured platinum gold and silver,
     radio-active materials, articles bearing fictitious stamps used to denote  payment
     of  postage  or  fees.
      Restrictions:  Drugs,  plants  and  seeds;  publications  dealing  with  marriage
     or  birth  control,  precious metals;  coins exceeding  100  Kenya  Shillings.

      Marking:  Parcels  containing  films  must  bear  a  white  label  boldly  marked
     in  block  letters  FILMS.
      Address:  Correspondence  must  include  a  Post  Office  Box  or  private  Bag
     number  in  the  address.

      Parcel  Post
        Surface   \
        Air     /See Schedule of Overseas Surface  and  Air  Parcel  Post  Rates.
      Insurance:  Limit S240.
      Customs  declaration:  I  Yellow  form  CP3.
      Prohibitions:  Letters,  except  one  for  the  addressee;  trade  and  immature
     spirits: all kinds of air-guns, safety, toy and alarm pistols, or other articles having
     the appearance of, or capable of conversion  into  lethal  weapons,  firearms, and
     the essential  part  of firearms, e.g.  barrels,  all  actions,  bolts and  bolt  housings,
     safety  nuts  firing pins and  springs,  triggers and springs, safety catches, stocks
     ready or half-cut and those magazines which are fixed to the action, radio-active
     materia.s  articles  bearing fictitious stamps  used  to  denote  payment  of  postage
     or fees.

      Restrictions:  Accoutrements,  uniforms  or  clothing  which  when  worn  may
     give the impression that the wearer is in Government employment; drugs, fresh
     fruit, plants and seeds;  publications dealing whh marriage or birth control; rat
     virus:  second-hand  clothing  and  I edding  imported  for  sale;  unmanufactured
     gold,  silver  and  metal  of  the  platinoid  groups,  coins  exceeding  100  Kenya
      Import  licence:  An  import  licence  is  required  for  all  commercial  parcels.
      Invoice:  An  invoice  on  the  approved  form  signed  by  the  sender  must  be
     enclosed.  The parcel should be marked  on the address side  “Invoice  enclosed”
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