Page 156 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 156


                   Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries,  contd.

      GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC  (and West Berlin), contd.
        In the ease of codec and tea the maximum quantities admitted free of customs
      duty arc:—1 lb of coffee, 3joz. of tea, i lb of codec  essence or extract and ljozof
      tea extract. Customs duty is levied on tobacco products, cigarette papers, wines
      and spirits.
        Christmas, birthday and gift parcels addressed to close relatives of the sender
      arc admitted free of duty provided they contain reasonable quantities such as one
      bottle  of spirits,  50  cigars  or  100  cigarettes.  Parcels  and  customs  declarations
      should  be  clearly  marked  PRIVATE  GESCHENKSENDUNG  (Private  Gift
      Parcel) and  the declarations  should  show  the  individual  items  and  their value.
        Packing: Parcels must be strongly packed.
        Address: Sec under letter post
        Letter Post
         Surface   1
         Air Mail  / See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up to  S100
      green label required; thereafter top ireen label and form C2/CP3.
       Insurance:  Limit S120
        Prohibitions:  Ammunition,  arms,  gold,  platinum,  precious  stones,  silver,
      jewellery, cinematograph films except at the ports of Tema and Takoradi, books,
      newspapers, printed matter of a defamatory, scandalous or demoralising nature;
      Bank-notes and currency notes, coin.
       Restrictions: Plants and seeds; saccharin and similar substances.
       Parcel Post
         Surface   \
         Air      /See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
        Customs declaration:  1  Yellow form CP3.
       Insurance: Limit S120
       Prohibitions:  Letters,  except  one  for  the  addressee;  cinematograph  films
      except  at  the  ports  of Tema  and  Takoradi,  firearms,  air-guns and  accessories;
      paper money, silver bullion exceeding S10 in value.
       Restrictions:  Plants  and  seeds;  saccharin and similar substances,  narcotics.
       Gift Parcels: Import licences are not required for gifts addressed to individuals,
         (a)  the gift is bona fide and unsolicited,
         (b)  the weight or value does not exceed 22 lb gross or GS50.
       The parcels must be clearly marked “Unsolicited Gift".
       Invoices:  Invoices are required for all commercial  parcels.  Senders must des­
      patch the invoices in advance of the parcels.
       Delivery: Parcels must be called for by the addressee at the nearest post office.
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