Page 160 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 160


                  Overseas  Posl:  Foreign Countries,  conld


      Gold or silverware not of standard quality;
      Foreign  prison  made  goods  other  than  goods  not  imported  for  trade  o r
     goods of a  kind not manufactured in the  United  Kingdom;

      Clocks,  watches  or  other  metal  articles  bearing  any  mark  representing  o r
     imitating  British  assay  marks  or  stamps  or  marks  indicating  that  the  goods
     were manufactured in the United  Kingdom;
      Books,  paintings,  etc.,  which  arc  protected  by  copyright  law  in  the  United
     Kingdom;  horror comics, plates and films.
      Oilskins  and  similar  oiled  goods  unless  they  have  been  properly  stoved  o r
     otherwise properly dried to present spontaneous combustion.
      Unseasoned  raw'  celluloid  (i.c.  celluloid  containing  volatile  solvent,  some*
     limes called xylonite cake).
      Tobacco  cut  and  compressed  and  tobacco  mixed  with  other  substances;
      Saccharin and similar substances;
      Extracts, essences or other concentrations  of coffee, chicory,  tobacco or  any
      admixture thereof;
      Foreign coin, other than gold or silver;
      Coin exceeding SIO in value unless declared  to  be for purposes of ornament:
    gold  bullion  exceeding  SIO  in  value,  subject  to  Jamaican  Export  Regulations.
      Skins of certain seals;
      Synthetic  organic  dyestuffs  except  under  Board  of  Trade  licence.  As  an
    exception,  "homi fide" trade samples  having  no commercial  value  may  be im­
    ported  without a  licence;
      Articles  which  by virtue of the  Merchandise  Marks  Act,  1926,  must  bear  a
    mark  indicating the  name  of the country of origin at  the time  of  importation,
    unless they arc marked in the prescribed  manner.
      Liquids with flashpoint lower than  150°F.
      The prohibitions in force by letter post arc also applicable.
      Restrictions:  Perishable  biological  substances,  paints  which  have flash points
    lower  than  150°F  provided  that  not more  than  one  quart  is enclosed  in  one
    packet, insects, seasoned raw celluloid, inflammable films, live  animals, vaccines,
    seras,  toxins,  antitoxins,  antigens.  Antibiotics  (when  intended  for  parental
    injection  into  human  beings), arsphcnaminc and  analogous substances, desiran
    injections,  enzymes  and  enzyme  inhibitors,  hormone  products,  preparations
    of human blood and certain surgical material  when the  addressed has obtained
    an  import  licence  from  the  competent  authority,  or  the  substances  arc  solely
    for use in veterinary  medicine and the receptacles are indelibly  marked  to that
    effect.  Radio  telephone  devices  with  special  permission  from  the  British  com­
    petent authority.
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