Page 157 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 157


                  Overseas  Post:  Foreign  Countries,  contcl.

      Letter Post
        Surface   \
        Air Mail  /  Sec Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by  letter,  and  small  packet  post—up to  S100
     green label  required;  thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
      Insurance:  Limit S480
      Prohibitions:  Charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters  arc
     admitted), lottery tickets.
     Parcel  Post
        Surface   1
        Air     / Sec Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
      Customs declarations:  1  Yellow form CP3.
      Insurance: Limit S100
      Prohibitions:  Letters,  arms except  under  permit,  charged  butane  gas  lighters
     and refills (uncharged lighters are admitted).
      Restrictions: Arms, celluloid and films, narcotics.
    GILBERT ISLANDS (including Line Islands (Fanning, Christmas and Washing­
                    ton Islands), Ocean Islands and  Phoenix Islands).
      Letter Post
       Surface   1
       Air Mail   /See Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Insurance: No Service.
      Dutiable articles may be sent by letter, and small packet post—up to S100 green
    label required;  thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
      Prohibitions: Articles of any kind bearing the impression or representation of
    any currency  note,  bank-note  or coin  in current  use in any country;—charged
    butane gas  lighters  and  refills,  dyestuffs  obtained  from coal  tar;  gold or silver
    bullion. Bullion is not admitted in registered letters.
      Restrictions: Brushware containing any animal hair, narcotics, films, celluloid.
    Parcel  Post
       Surface   \
       Air    /   See  Schedule of Overseas  Surface and Air Parcel  Post Rates.
      Insurance: No Service.
      Customs declaration:  1 yellow form CP 3.
      Prohibitions:  Letters,  dyestufTs  obtained  from  coal  tar;  articles  of any  kind
    bearing the impression or representation of any currency note, bank-note or coin
    in current use in any country; charged butane lighters and refills, drugs and simi-
    lar substances unless addressed to a Medical Practitioner.
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