Page 153 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 153


                     Overseas Post:  Foreign  Countries, could.

       GAZA AM) KHAN YUNIS, contd.
        Dutiable articles  may  be sent  by  letter and  small  packet  post—up  to  SI00
        green  label  required;  thereafter top green  label  and  form  C2/CP3.
        Prohibitions:  Samples  of cigarettes,  cigars  and  tobacco.
        Restrictions:  Patent  medicines  and  plants.
        Parcel  Post
          Surface:   See Schedule of Overseas Surface an J  Air Parcel  Post  Rates.
          Air:    No Service.
        Insurance:  No Service.
        Customs declarations:  I  form C2/CP3 and  I  despatch note CP2.  Declarations
       should  bear the actual  signature  of the sender.
        Prohibitions:  Letters; cotton  seed; cotton;  tobacco seeds; Sudanese  tobacco;
       adulterated  or  artificial  tobacco.
        Restrictions:  Coin,  other  than  Egyptian;  firearms;  patent  medicines;  plants;
       shaving  brushes,  and  bristles  or  hair  for  use  in  their  manufacture.
        Address:  The  address  of a  parcel  intended  for  delivery  through  a  bank  or
       other  intermediary  should not  contain  any  reference to  the consignee; whose
       name  and  address  must  be  enclosed  in  the  parcel.
        Invoice:  A  copy  of the  invoice  must  be enclosed  in  the  parcel.
        Packing:  Parcels must  be strongly packed.
       GERMAN  DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (and  East  Berlin)
        I otter  Post
          Surface      See  Schedules  of  Letter  Rates.
          Air Mail
        Insurance:  No  Service.
        Dutiable  articles  may be sent by  small  packet  post  up  to  SI00  green  label
       written  in  German  or  French  and  English  required;  thereafter  top green  label
       and form C2/CP3.
        Items subject  to  customs duty are  not accepted in  ordinary  and  registered
       letters.  Serums,  vaccines  and  urgently  required  medicaments  are admitted
       in all eases.
        Prohibitions:  Butane  gas  lighters,  foreign  lottery  tickets,  correspondence  in
       secret  codes;  East  German  bank-notes, currency  etc.,  postcards  and envelopes
       bearing subversive  illustrations  and  materials;  weapons,  numismatic  and  phil­
       atelic  items,  secret  correspondence,  shorthand  notes,  chain  letters.  See  also
       under  parc el post.
        Restrictions:  Foreign notes, bills and currency; narcotics, newspapers,  period­
       icals,  printed  advertisment  and  propaganda  material;  samples;  stamps.  See
       also under  parcel post.
        Invoice:  An  invoice  in  duplicate,  must  accompany  all  packets  containing
       articles  liable  to  customs  duly.
        Gifts may  be sent in small  packets but  not  in letter packets.  They are subject
       to the same conditions as  those sent  by parcel  post.
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