Page 155 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 155


                   Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, contd.

     GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC (and West  Berlin), contd.
       Dutiable articles  may  lx:  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post--up  to  S100
     green label written  in  German or  French  and  English required;  thereafter top
     green label and form C2/CP3.
      Insurance: Limit S800
      Invoice: An  invoice  in  duplicate,  must  accompany  all  packets  containing
     articles liable to customs duty.
      Prohibitions: Absinthe, lottery tickets, microbes, pools, advertisements and so
     on  not  authorized  in  the  Federal  Republic;  radio-active  substances.  For  other
     prohibitions, see under Parcel Post.
      Restrictions: Cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, money, bank bills, letters of exchange
     and so on; narcotics.
      For other restrictions sec under parcel  post.
      Gifts may be sent  in letter packets and small  packets. They arc subject  to the
     same conditions as Gifts sent  by parcel post.
      Import Licences: See under parcel post.
      Address:  If the postcode is known it should  be written to the left-hand side of
    the name of the country.
    Parcel Post
       Surface   \
       Air      /See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post  Rates.
      Customs declarations:  1 form  C2/CP3  and  I  despatch  note  CP2;  written  in

    German or  French and  English.  A separate set for each parcel.
     Insurance:  Limit S230
     Invoice: An invoice, in duplicate, attached to the customs declaration, should
    accompany parcels containing articles liable to customs duty.
     Prohibitions: Absinthe, cocoa-beans, microbes, firearms, playing cards, cigars,
    tobacco substitutes, live bees.
     Restrictions:  Plants,  parts  of plants  and  seeds,  spirits,  radio-active  material,
    firearms,  Military materials.
     Certain goods are subject  to import  licensing regulations.
     Gift parcels are accepted  without import licences if they do not contain items
    such as sweetening substances or drugs for which there are special import regula­
     Customs charges are not raised on  private gifts provided:—
        (i)  the value of the parcel does not exceed  10!) DM; (about JS30)
       (ii)  the contents of the parcel are not  intended for industrial or commer­
           cial purposes;
       (iii)  The  parcel  does  not  contain  extracts  of  tea  or  colfce  or  substi­
           tutes;  alcohol,  tobacco  products or cigarette papers.
     Parcels addressed to needy persons are admitted free of customs duty provided
   they contain only items of necessity.
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